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Law Enforcement

_ Aug. 8 - An officer was dispatched to an Abbotsford gas station in reference to a gas drive-off. He met with a station employee who said that someone with North Dakota license plates drove off without paying for $41.48 worth of gas. The officer ran the license plate and identified the vehicle owner in Mohall, N.D. A letter will be mailed to the owner telling her to pay for the fuel.

_ Aug. 8 - An officer was dispatched to a Colby residence in reference to a juvenile subject attacking a female subject. The complainant was unsure if the juvenile was still in the house at the time. The officer met with the woman and the juvenile’s younger brother. The brother said the juvenile was body slamming one of their dogs into the couch, so he told his mother about it. When the juvenile found out that his brother had told on him, he struck his brother on the side of the head with an open hand. The mother tried to take the juvenile’s phone away as punishment, but he attacked her, kicking her in the legs and punching her in the side of the face and head multiple times. She said he also grabbed onto her hair and pulled. The mother had blood around her mouth and on her arms, and the inside of her mouth had a cut.

Dispatch reported receiving a 911 call from a juvenile who was very upset. The juvenile was located standing in the alley by another house. The juvenile claimed that his brother had attacked him and he defended himself, which his mother did not like. He said his mother tried taking his phone away, grabbed his bag and almost broke his glasses. He said he told her to get off of him multiple times, and he clenched his fists. He said she would not leave him alone, so he started swinging. He said she dug her fingernails into his skin and started choking him. The juvenile said he was only defending himself and does not want to go home because he doesn’t feel safe.

The juvenile was handcuffed and transported back to his residence. Social services was contacted, and an officer spoke to one of the social workers, but no action was recommended. The mother refused to let the juvenile back into the house and questioned whether he could be committed. She mentioned that he had recently made a noose and said he was thinking about killing himself. The juvenile admitted to making the noose and trying hang himself a couple weeks earlier, but his friend had cut him down. He said he was not currently suicidal. Arrangements were made for the juvenile at another house for the night. A juvenile referral for battery was completed.

_ Aug. 8 - An officer was dispatched to North Fourth Street in Abbotsford for a report of a vehicle crashing into a garage. When he arrived, the officer observed a truck backed into a garage. The officer talked with the owner of the truck and the owner of the residence. The owner of the vehicle said he had been traveling south on STH 13 and when he got to the intersection with Spruce Street, his vehicle started to make a clunking noise. It was no longer driveable, so he put the vehicle into park and got out at a nearby gas station so he could call for assistance. When he got out, he said the vehicle started to roll backwards and completely crossed STH 13, went over a curb on the east side of the highway and went down a slight embankment before entering a driveway and striking the garage.

The officer could see red fluid on the ground where the vehicle had traveled. The vehicle’s driveshaft was broken. A tow truck was called to the scene, and photographs were taken of the damage caused by the accident.

_ Aug. 8 - An officer was driving southbound on STH 13 in Colby when he noticed a vehicle weaving within its lane of traffic, nearly crossing the dashed line. The officer ran the vehicle’s registration, and the owner came back as having a suspended license. The officer pulled the vehicle over near West Broadway and met with the driver, who had glassy eyes. The officer could see several empty beer cans lying on the rear passenger seat and he could smell alcohol coming from the vehicle. When asked how much he had to drink, he said he only had three cans of beer. The driver agreed to do field sobriety tests, and he also submitted to a preliminary breath test, which showed a .136 blood-alcohol content.

The driver was arrested for drunk driving and taken to the police station, where he blew a .12 BAC on the breathalyzer. He was cited for drunk driving and driving with a suspended license, and released to a sober party.

_ Aug. 9 - An officer was driving southbound on STH 13 in Colby when he noticed a northbound van with a burntout headlight. The officer pulled the vehicle over and met with the driver, who identified herself with a Florida driver’s license. When asked for proof of insurance, the driver said she would not be able to find it because it was not her vehicle. The officer reapproached the vehicle to give the driver her license back, and he could smell marijuana. The driver was asked if there was any marijuana in the vehicle, and she said there was a bag in the center console. The driver was asked to exit the vehicle and she was searched, but nothing was found. The two passengers were also searched, but nothing was found. The officer searched the vehicle and found a bag near the center console with a tube grinder containing several pieces of green, leafy substance. The offi cer also located two cigar papers, one of which had been emptied of tobacco. A vape cartridge was also found in the cup holder underneath the radio.

The driver admitted the materials were hers. A total of 3.6 grams was taken into evidence, and the driver was cited for possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia. She was warned about the headlight being out.

_ Aug. 9 - Officers were dispatched to the scene of a car-versus-bicycle accident at the intersection on STH 13 and East Broadway in Colby. They met with the driver, who said he was traveling north on STH 13 when a girl on a bike entered the roadway right in front of him. He said he slammed on his brakes, but still hit the bicyclist, who was in the crosswalk. The driver said he was traveling the speed limit, and there were other cars in front of him and next to him. He said it looked like the bicyclist did not check the traffic before entering the roadway.

The officer met with the bicyclist, who was inside an ambulance, being treated for a minor scrape on her knee. She was wearing a bike helmet and seemed to be OK when the officer spoke to her. Her parents were called and they came to the scene to pick her up.

_ Aug. 12 - An officer was driving southbound on STH 13 in Abbotsford when he ran the license plate of the ve- hicle in front of him. The owner of the vehicle came back as having a revoked license. The officer pulled the vehicle over near Opportunity Drive, and met with the driver, who said she knew her license was revoked. Dispatch confirmed the revoked license and also reported that she was on probation.

A K-9 officer arrived on scene, and his dog did a walk-around search of the vehicle. The dog alerted to the smell of drugs, so the driver was asked to exit the vehicle while it was searched. In the crack of the driver’s seat a glass pipe was found with a white substance inside. In the center console was a straw with a white substance inside and vape pen. All of these items were taken as evidence. The officer contacted probation. They did not want her arrested, but she was told to contact her probation officer right away. The driver was cited for driving with a revoked license. The white powder was later identified as methamphetamine.

_ Aug. 13 - An officer was driving westbound on West Spruce Street when he ran the license plate of the vehicle in front of him. The registered owner came back as having a suspended license and an active warrant. The officer pulled the vehicle over near North Second Avenue and met with the driver, who was informed of the arrest warrant. He was placed under arrest and taken to the police station, where he was able to post the $250 bond. He was cited for driving with a suspended license and released.

_ Aug. 14 - An officer was driving northbound on North First Street in Abbotsford when he observed a male who appeared to be passed out on the sidewalk. The officer had to shake the man several times before he woke up. The offi cer could smell a strong odor of alcohol on him. The man was not able to complete full sentences and almost fell back asleep several times. The man was able to write down part of his name, but he could not provide his date of birth. Two men came walking out of a nearby bar, and one of them recognized the male subject on the sidewalk. The man agreed to take the subject home for the night.

_ Aug. 14 - An officer was northbound on STH 13 in Abbotsford when he observed a car in front of him deviating from its lane of travel. The officer conducted a traffic stop near Birch Street and met with the driver, who had glassy eyes. The officer could see several beer bottles on the backseat floor and an open beer bottle behind the passenger’s seat. The officer also saw three young children in the back seat. The officer asked the driver how old the kids were, and the driver wrote down their names and ages, which ranged from two to six.

When asked why his eyes were glassy, the driver said it was because he had just smoked some cigarettes. The officer also asked him if he had anything to drink. He said he had two beers and one tequila shot. He said he had been at a family’s place in Colby and was headed to a residence in Abbotsford. The driver agreed to do field sobriety tests. He showed signs of intoxication, and a preliminary breath test showed a blood-alcohol content of .121. He was arrested and taken to the police station, where he blew a .10 BAC on the breathalyzer. He was cited for driving while intoxicated with a passenger under 16 in the vehicle. He was also cited for driving without a valid license and warned for deviating from his lane of traffic and not having proof of insurance. He was released to a sober party.