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Colby-Abbotsford Police Log

n Jan. 2 - An officer responded to a dispatch seeking a westbound vehicle on STH 29 that had frosted windows, making it difficult for the driver to see.

The officer located the vehicle as it was passing Hiline Avenue and got behind it. The vehicle swayed back and forth, crossing the center line. The officer pulled the vehicle over just east of Maple Road.

The officer met with the driver, who said she could not get her vehicle’s heat to work in order to get the windows defrosted.

The officer smelled marijuana as he spoke to the driver. He asked her if she had any marijuana in the vehicle, she said no.

The officer had the driver exit the vehicle so he could search it. He found a halfburned blunt with marijauana inside. The driver admitted that she smoked it two days prior.

Dispatch reported that the driver was on probation out of Eau Claire for driving a motor vehicle without the owner’s consent. Dispatch also said her driver’s license was expired and her license plates were suspended.

The officer contacted the driver’s probation agent, who declined to put a hold on the driver for the violation. The officer told her that she would be mailed a citation for possession of marijuana.

n Jan. 5 - An officer responded to a report of two juveniles shoplifting at a store in Abbotsford. When he arrived, the officer was informed that one of the suspects had run off and the other was still in the store.

The officer checked the back of the store, but didn’t see anyone. He let dispatch know about the suspect before he went inside to speak to the other alleged shoplifter.

The juvenile said he would not snitch on his friend. The officer reviewed security footage, which showed the juvenile’s friend putting two bag of nuts into his jacket and zipping it closed.

The total value of the merchandise was estimated to be $3.18. The officer used a picture of the suspect to get his name and track him down at his mother’s place.

He denied stealing anything, saying he put the items back when he was in the store. While talking to the officer, the juvenile swore several times and referred to the officer in vulgar terms.

The officer informed the juvenile and his mother that he would be referred to juvenile court for retail theft.

n Jan. 7 - An officer was dispatched to an Abbotsford residence in reference to a possible parole violation.

He spoke to a woman who had received a phone call from her ex-boyfriend, who was not allowed to contact her. She said he used a pre-paid phone to call her, and she did not recognize the number.

The officer called the phone number back, and exboyfriend answered, but he would only say “hello” as if he couldn’t hear the officer speaking. He eventually hung up after the officer identified himself. The officer noted that there was no static on the line.

The officer contacted the ex’s probation agent to let them know about the situation. He provided the agent with the number the ex was using.

The officer was informed of a probation warrant out of the ex, and the officer passed this along to neighboring Chippewa County, as his last known address was in Stanley.

n Jan. 8 - An officer was on patrol in Abbotsford when he did a registration check on a vehicle traveling on Pine Street. The registered owner of the vehicle had a revoked license, so the officer followed the vehicle onto North First Street and pulled it over near Oak Street.

The officer made contact with the driver and his two passengers, and he could smell alcohol coming from inside the vehicle.

The officer also noticed an open beer bottle in the driver’s cupholder, but he denied having anything to drink that night.

The officer had the driver exit the vehicle for field sobriety texts, but he showed no signs of impairment. He also registered a 0.0 on a preliminary breath test.

A K-9 alerted to the smell of narcotics in the vehicle, but none were found. Several open bottles of alcohol were found, and the passengers admitted to drinking in the vehicle.

The driver and his passengers were also cited for having open intoxicants in a motor vehicle, and the driver was also cited for driving while revoked (due to an alcohol-related offense).

n Jan. 9 - An officer responded to a report of damage at a Colby business. The officer was shown a window in the front door, which had been shattered but was still intact in the door frame. The managers said the damage occurred sometime between when the store was closed at 5 p.m. on Jan. 8 and when it reopened at 8:45 a.m. on Jan. 9.

No other damage was noticed at any other part of the building, and nothing was missing from the store. One of the managers said surveillance footage would be made available by the store owner.

A rock about the size of basketball was found near the cracked window. A part of the door was also dented.

n Jan. 9 - An officer responded to a call for assistance from a Clark County deputy who was at the scene of a vehicle in the ditch near a bar west of Dorchester.

When the officer arrived, the driver was arguing with the deputy and refusing to answer his questions. He kept asking why the deputy was even there, accusing him of harassment. The officer noticed the man’s eyes were glassy and bloodshot. The officer asked him why he was being so loud and animated when officers were talking to him calmly.

The deputy said the driver had admitted to drinking earlier that evening. He refused to undergo field sobriety tests and had to be pulled out of his vehicle by the deputy and officer.

The driver stiffened his upper body and arms as officers forced him into handcuffs. The driver was escorted to the deputy’s squad vehicle, and he resisted as the deputy searched him for contraband.

The deputy discovered a small bag of marijuana in his jacket pocket. The driver continued arguing with the officer and deputy and would not get into the squad vehicle.

The officer pushed the driver into the squad while the deputy grabbed his feet and swung them into the vehicle. He stuck his feet out before the door could be closed, but the deputy was able to secure him in the back of the squad.

The driver was placed under arrest on suspicion of drunk driving.

n Jan. 9 - An officer was dispatched to an Abbotsford residence in reference to a domestic disturbance.

A Clark County deputy also arrived to keep the couple apart while the officer talked to each party separately. He first spoke to the female party, who said she and her boyfriend had started arguing when he was looking for money to go to the store.

She said she decided to go into her bedroom so she could ignore him. She said she shut the door on him, and in anger, he pushed the door open, hitting her in the head.

The officer noticed a bump on her eyebrow and some torn skin on her arm.

The officer next spoke to the boyfriend, who was upset and agitated. He admitted arguing with his girlfriend but denied entering her room or pushing the door into her head.

He said she called the police just to get him into trouble. The officer also spoke to a second female party at the residence, but she claimed to have seen nothing of the fight. Based on the information he had, the officer decided to arrest the boyfriend for domestic disorderly conduct.

He was taken into custody without incident, but on his way to jail, he had a medical emergency and had to be taken to a hospital by ambulance.

The girlfriend later reported that he had violated a 72-hour no-contact order by calling him from a hospital phone. An officer called the hospital and spoke to a nurse, who said the phone would be removed from his room.

n Jan. 9 - An officer was on patrol in Colby when he noticed a vehicle turn north from Adams Street onto STH 13 and then cross the dotted center line several times while approaching Abbotsford.

The officer activated his emergency lights for the vehicle to pull over, and the vehicle turned on its left-hand turn signal and turned left onto Linden Street.

The vehicle pulled over on Linden Street, and the officer met with the driver, who had alcohol on her breath. She said she was picking up a friend at a bar in Abbotsford.

When the officer told her the reason for the stop, she grabbed the wheel and said a mechanic had told her the vehicle was “not good.” When asked how much she had to drink, she said no more than four or five.

Dispatch reported that the driver had an open misdemeanor case, and she was not allowed to possess or consume alcohol. The officer had the driver undergo field sobriety tests, but she had trouble following instructions and maintaining her balance.

She also registered a .188 blood-alcohol level on a preliminary breath test. She was placed under arrest for drunk driving, but when the officer handcuffed her and attempted to frisk her, she became agitated. The officer grabbed the driver’s right arm and walked her over to his squad vehicle before frisking her.

As the officer tried to get her into his squad vehicle, she shook her shoulders and continued to yell at the officer. She refused to get into the vehicle before finally complying.

The driver was transported to the police station, where she registered a .16 BAC on the breathalzyer.

She was cited for drunk driving and misdemeanor bail jumping and taken to Clark County Jail.