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_ Oct. 30 - An officer was dispatched to an Abbotsford gas station in reference to a male party passed out in a truck. When he arrived, the officer observed a man in the driver’s seat of a parked truck, with his head on the center console. The officer knocked on the window, but got no response from the driver.

The officer opened the driver’s door, shook the male party and yelled at him. The man mumbled something the officer could not understand. There were no keys in the ignition, but the officer could see a can of beer in the center console and a half-empty bottle of whiskey laying next to the man’s leg.

The officer did a sternum rub on the male party, and he eventually sat up. When asked if anything was medically wrong with him, the man said no. He admitted to being drunk and said he had no idea how he got to the gas station. His speech was slurred, he had alcohol on his breath, and his eyes were bloodshot and glassy.

The officer asked the man to step out of the truck so they could speak. He immediately fell backward into the driver’s seat and had to use the truck to steady himself as he stood up. He was unable to maintain his balance long enough to do field sobriety tests, and he refused to provide a breath sample for a preliminary breathalyzer.

The male party was arrested on suspicion of drunk driving and taken to the police station, where he was issued citations for drunk driving and underage possession of alcohol. He refused to submit to a breathalyzer. Two bottles of whiskey and 10 cans of beer were removed from the truck.

_ Nov. 1 - An officer was on patrol in Abbotsford when he noticed a vehicle with no taillights on West Spruce Street. The offi cer pulled the vehicle over shortly after it passed through the intersection with STH 13.

The officer met with the driver and his passenger. Dispatch reported that the driver had a suspended license and was out on bond with the condition that he not operate a motor vehicle without a valid license. The driver was removed from the vehicle and placed under arrest for misdemeanor bail jumping.

While the driver was being searched, he admitted to having “weed” on him. The officer found a glass pipe with marijuana residue and a metal container with marijuana inside. The vehicle was searched, but no further contraband was found.

The passenger was told he could drive as long as the hazard lights were on. The passenger discovered the taillights were in working condition. The driver got upset, accusing the officer of pulling him over for no reason. The officer spoke to him, and he eventually calmed down and apologized. The driver was cited for marijuana possession, possession of drug paraphernalia and driving while suspended. A gram of marijuana was taken into evidence.

_ Nov. 2 - An officer spoke with a Colby man who said that someone stole a pressure washer from his garage. He said he first noticed it missing on Oct. 29. He said the wand extension was left behind, so whoever took it would not be able to use it.

_ Nov. 2 - An officer received an anonymous call about a man staying in Colby with a warrant for contempt of court. Officers went to the residence and took the man into custody. He posted the $500 bond and was released from the police station.

_ Nov. 2 - An officer ran the license plate of a vehicle on Elderberry Road in Colby. The vehicle came back as being registered to someone with a warrant for failure to appear in family court. The officer pulled the vehicle over and confirmed the body-only warrant. The driver was arrested and taken to Marathon County Jail.

_ Nov. 2 - Officers went to the house of a man in Abbotsford who had several warrants out for his arrest. The warrants were for failure to stop for an unloading school bus, driving without a valid license, disorderly conduct and speeding (25-29 mph over). The man was placed under arrest and taken to the police station, where he was able to post the total bond amount of $776.10 to be released.

_ Nov. 2 - An officer ran the license plate of a vehicle on STH 13 in Abbotsford, and the registration came back as expired as of September. The officer pulled the vehicle over and met with the driver. He said the vehicle belonged to his girlfriend, and he did not know if it had any insurance on it. A Clark County deputy arrived on scene and deployed his K-9, which alerted to the smell of narcotics in the vehicle. The officer had the driver step out of the vehicle, and he was found to be carrying a container with marijuana inside. A search of the vehicle uncovered a glass pipe with marijuana inside. A total of 1.3 grams of marijuana was confiscated. The driver was cited for driving without insurance, possession of marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia.

_ Nov. 3 - An Abbotsford woman reported that her neighbor’s boyfriend was at the neighbor’s house in violation of his workrelease privileges from Taylor County Jail.

An officer contacted the jail and confirmed that the male subject in question was not allowed to be at the house in Abbotsford. The officer told the jail staff that the man’s truck was at the house, but no one had actually seen him there.

The officer went to the residence and met with the male subject. He said he was being released shortly and was dropping off some belongings in preparation of that happening. He said he was just about to head back to Taylor County Jail and speak to his probation agent prior to being released.

The officer contacted the jail and notified them of his findings. Since the subject was headed back to the jail, the staff said they would address the situation with him when he arrived. The officer told the subject to check in with his probation agent right away to avoid any other issues.

_ Nov. 3 - An officer was dispatched to an Abbotsford residence for a welfare check after a woman called reporting that her brother was missing. Police went to the residence and met with an elderly woman who seemed confused. She said her brother had left and she was not sure why he wasn’t back yet.

As officers were talking to her, a woman arrived. She said the elderly woman’s mind had been slipping and she had to move in with her brother. She said the brother had left for work about an hour earlier and she was there to look after her. She said they were going to talk about taking her phone to prevent similar calls in the future.

_ Nov. 3 - An officer was called to an Abbotsford store in reference a fraud suspect being there. The suspect had previously been caught using a false name to order car parts under a company’s name without the company’s permission.

The officer arrived, located the suspect and had him step outside. The suspect was placed under arrest, and dispatch reported that he had a probation warrant out as well. Taylor County agreed to take custody of the suspect, so he was transferred at the county line. The suspect was told that he was no longer welcome at the store in Abbotsford, and he needed to make arrangements to remove his vehicle or it would be towed. Later that evening, the vehicle had not been moved, so the officer had it towed.

_ Nov. 6 - An officer was running radar on STH 13 in Abbotsford when he observed a southbound vehicle traveling in the northbound lane of traffic. The vehicle turned back into the correct lane of traffic just before the officer pulled it over.

The officer met with the driver, who had alcohol on his breath. The driver did not have a license or any other identification. The driver admitted that he and the passenger were at a bar in Abbotsford and he had consumed six beers. He said he forgot what side of the road he was driving on.

Dispatch reported that the driver had a revoked license and was not allowed to operate a motor vehicle with a blood-alcohol level greater than .02. He was also on probation for battery, with the condition that he not consume alcohol. Field sobriety tests were conducted, and a preliminary breath test showed a blood-alcohol level of .218.

The driver was arrested and taken to the police station. He was issued citations for drunk driving and driving with a revoked license and warned about crossing into the wrong lane of traffic. He was taken to a hospital for a blood draw and then to Clark County Jail.

_ Nov. 6 - An officer observed a vehicle on STH 13 in Colby as it swerved between the two southbound lanes of traffic, crossing the dividing line twice before coming back to the correct lane. The officer pulled the vehicle over and met with the driver, who identified himself with a debit card. While talking to the driver, the officer could smell alcohol on his breath and he also noticed a can of beer in the front passenger’s seat. In the back seat was a case of beer. When asked how many beers he had to drink, he said two, but then later changed it to three.

The driver agreed to do field sobriety tests, during which he showed signs of intoxication. He also submitted to a preliminary breath test, which showed a blood-alcohol level of .209. He was arrested and taken to the police station, where he registered a .19 BAC on the breathalyzer. He was cited for drunk driving (second offense) and the released to a responsible party.

_ Nov. 7 - An officer noticed a vehicle deviating from its lane of travel on STH 13. The officer pulled the vehicle over by East Linden Street and met with the driver, who admitted to drinking two beers and a shot of liquor. The driver agreed to do field sobriety tests, and showed several signs of intoxication. He also submitted to a preliminary breath test, which showed a blood-alcohol content of .165.

The driver was arrested and taken to the police station, where he registered .19 BAC on the breathalyzer. He was cited for drunk driving and driving with a suspended license and warned about the lane deviation. He was then released to a responsible party.

_ Nov. 7 - An officer responded to a report of a male and female arguing on the side of STH 29 just east of STH 13. No one was there when the officer arrived. Dispatch reported a call from a woman who said she and exhusband had been arguing on the side of the road, and a suspicious motorcycle had followed them home.

The officer went to the woman’s residence, and the motorcycle was gone. He spoke to the woman, who said she and her estranged husband had started to argue while they were driving on STH 29. She said he did not want to drive while arguing so he pulled over. While they were outside the vehicle arguing, he flagged down a motorcycle and asked the driver to be a witness in case she said something later that wasn’t true. The complainant said she got back into their vehicle and drove home.

The complainant said the motorcycle followed her home and stayed parked in front of her house even after her estranged husband left. She said nothing physical happened during the argument. The officer spoke to the complainant’s oldest son, who had witnessed the argument along with his siblings. He confirmed that no one was physically harmed during the argument. The officer also met with the estranged husband to get his side of the story. He also confirmed that nothing physical happened during the argument. The officer said he would not be recommending any charges.