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_ Aug. 23 - An officer was dispatched to an Abbotsford residence in reference to a 911 misdial. He met with a woman who said she had been trying to take a photo with her phone when she accidently hit the emergency call feature. The woman said she was OK and would try not to dial 911 again.

_ Aug. 23 - Two officers were on patrol when they received a report of a vehicle driving all over the road as it headed southbound into Colby. The officers got behind the vehicle in question and observed it drifting within its lane, nearly striking the edge of the curb.

Officers pulled the vehicle over and met with the driver and his passenger. The officers could smell marijuana as they spoke to the occupants, but the driver denied having any drugs in the vehicle. A deputy arrived on the scene and stood by with the driver and his passenger while the officers searched the vehicle.

The officers found a baggie of marijuana underneath the driver’s seat and a burnt blunt in a cigarette pack. Both the driver and the passenger denied that the drugs were theirs. The officer informed them that they would both be cited for possession of marijuana. The driver was also cited for driving without insurance. A total of 4.7 grams of marijuana was taken into evidence.

_ Aug. 23 - Officers were dispatched to a local motel in reference to a warrant check. They were informed that a woman with a valid warrant was staying in one of the rooms. Officers knocked on the door several times, but no one answered.

One of the officers saw a woman looking out the window, so he went around to the back of the motel to make sure she did not escape. The officers eventually made contact with the woman and confirmed that she had an active warrant out of Eau Claire County. She was very upset and had a hard time catching her breath, but she refused EMS. She was arrested and taken to Clark County Jail.

_ Aug. 24 - An officer was northbound on STH 13 in Abbotsford when he noticed a huskie dog walking loose in the parking lot of a nearby business. The officer approached the dog and found that it had a tag with the owner’s name and phone number. The officer called the owner, confirmed the dog was his, and warned him for allowing his dog to run at large. The dog was returned to the owner’s residence.

_ Aug. 25 - An officer was northbound on STH 13 in Colby when he observed a vehicle deviating from its lane of traffic. The officer pulled the vehicle over near Hornet Drive and met with the driver, who did not realize his vehicle had crossed the center line. The driver admitted he did not have a license. Dispatch reported that he had an active warrant with a $150 bond. He was arrested and taken to the police department, where his friend posted the bond. He was cited for driving with a revoked license and warned about deviating from his lane.

_ Aug. 25 - An officer investigated ordinance violations at two Abbotsford residences. At a property on North Third Street, the officer saw five televisions, a basketball and a table sitting on the curb with a free sign in front. Grass was growing around the TV sets. The officer also went to a property on the corner of Maple and Second Street with a recliner sitting in the yard since the week before. Photographs were taken of the properties, and warning letters were sent to the property owners.

_ Aug. 26 - A woman came to the police station to report that her son’s bike had been stolen when he took it to Abbotsford High School for sports practice. She said her son had left the bike in the bike rack on the east side of the school at about 4 p.m., and by 5:30 p.m., it was missing.

The complainant described the bike as a gray Mongoose with fat tires. She said her son had one suspect in mind who lives in Abbotsford. An officer said he would try to locate the perpetrator on the school’s video camera footage.

_ Aug. 26 - An officer was dispatched to a Colby residence in reference to a child custody dispute. The caller said his ex-wife was refusing to drop off their son, and he was headed to her house in Colby.

The officer went to the mother’s house. She admitted it was her day to drop off her son at his dad’s place, but she suspected the father of molesting him. She said her son was sleeping in the same bed as his father even though there are two beds. She said her son denies being abused, but she doesn’t believe him.

The father arrived and spoke to the officer about his ex-wife continually refusing to drop off their son at the court-appointed time. He addressed the abuse accusation, saying that nothing inappropriate is going on. He said his son had always just slept with him, and there was nothing unusual about it to them.

The officer spoke to the son, who also said that it was not a big deal for him to sleep in his father’s bed. He said he would sleep in the other bed if it really is a big deal. He denied that his dad ever touched him inappropriately.

The officer again spoke to the mother, giving her a phone number to call if she wanted to follow up on her molestation suspicions. The mother thanked the officer and allowed her son to go with his father.

_ Aug. 17 - An officer met with an Abbotsford man in reference to fraudulent activity on his bank account. The complainant said he recently obtained the mobile banking app for his phone and observed several “Playstation network” charges totalling $4,562. The complainant said he had never purchased anything from Playstation.

The complainant said he had previously sold his Playstation 4 to a store in Wausau, and the fraudulent charges started shortly after that. He said he erased his credit card information from the game console before selling it, and he watched the store employee do a “hard reset” before the transaction was complete. He said his bank was in process of doing an investigation.

_ Aug. 27 - An officer was advised of a child custody complaint from a man who said his ex-gilfriend was not turning over their teenage son. The complainant said his ex is always changing the custody agreement and never allows him to see their son.

The officer called the ex-girlfriend, who said the complainant was not supposed to get their son until the following weekend. She said he did not have custody that weekend due to summer break coming to an end. The offi cer advised her to have a more clear-cut custody arrangement on file to avoid confusion.

The officer called the complainant back and explained the situation to him. He said he understood and just wanted the incident documented in case the issues come up again in court.

_ Aug. 27 - An officer was dispatched to a Colby address in reference to a loose dog. The officer met with a woman who said a black pug had just shown up at her residence. The officer took the dog to the kennel in Abbotsford, and the following day, the dog was returned to its owner. The owner was warned about allowing his dog to run loose.

_ Aug. 28 - An officer was on patrol in Abbotsford when he observed a vehicle going 42 miles per hour in a 25 mph zone. The vehicle rapidly slowed down as it approached the officer’s squad. The officer activated his emergency lights and pulled the vehicle over near the intersection of STH 13 and Pine Street.

The officer met with the driver, who did not think he was driving fast. While speaking with the driver, the officer observed a bottle of beer in the center console. The cap was on top, but it was at an angle, indicating that it had been opened and then been placed back on. The officer also observed several open beer bottles near the floorboard of the rear passenger seat. All of the open bottles were disposed of at the scene.

When asked how much he had to drink that night, the driver said two beers and later changed his answer to three. He said he and his passengers had been at a restaurant and were now on their way to a party in Dorchester. The officer noticed the driver had glossy, bloodshot eyes.

The officer identified the three passengers in the vehicle, and two of them admitted to having open containers. Dispatch reported that the driver did not have a valid license. The driver was asked to do field sobriety tests, and he showed signs of intoxication. A preliminary breath test indicated a blood-alcohol level of .131. The driver was arrested, and a sober person was called to the scene to give the three passengers a ride.

At the police station, the driver was cited for drunk driving and speeding (1-10 mph over). He was released to the same woman who picked up his passengers.

_ Aug. 28 - An officer was patrol on STH 13 in Colby when he ran the license plate of a vehicle in front of him. The vehicle came back as registered to someone with an active warrant out of Clark County for failure to pay court costs on a felony.

The officer pulled the vehicle over and spoke to the driver, who did not realize he had a warrant. The driver said he was able to post the $180 bond. A K-9 arrived on scene and alerted to the smell of narcotics. A search uncovered no contraband. The driver admitted he had meth in the vehicle about two months prior. The driver was arrested and taken to the police station, where he posted the full bond amount and was released.

_ Aug. 29 - An officer responded to a report of a loose dog on North Lieders Street that would not leave the caller alone. As the officer approached the complainant, the dog ran behind a nearby house and stood next to a girl playing outside. The officer could see a man grilling, and asked if it was his dog. The man said it was.

The officer informed the owner that the dog needed to be tied up when it is not being watched. The owner had previously been warned about allowing the dog to run at large, so he was issued a citation.

_ Aug. 29 - An officer spoke to a woman who was worried about her adult daughter, who she had been unable to get in contact with. The mother said one of her daughter’s friends lives in Colby, and she asked if an officer could check to see if she’s there.

The officer met with a male subject, who confirmed that the complainant’s daughter was at his place visiting. The daughter came out and spoke to the officer, telling him that she was afraid to tell her mother where she was. The officer called the mother back and assured her that her daughter was OK.

_ Aug. 29 - An officer was dispatched to the corner of STH 13 and Spruce Street in Abbotsford in reference to a found wallet. The officer spoke to the woman who found the wallet. She said it had no identification inside. The wallet was taken to the police station for safe-keeping until the owner can claim it.