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_ Aug. 18 - An officer was assisting with a vehicle crash at the intersection of STH 13 and West Linden Street in Abbotsford when a vehicle pulled up. The officer recognized the driver as someone with a revoked license and a warrant out of Marshfield.

The officer met with the driver and advised him to pull his truck over to the side of the road, which he did. The driver said he knew his license was revoked, but he needed to drive for work. He was also aware of the warrant due to unpaid citations in Marshfield. Dispatch confirmed the revoked license and the active warrant, with a bond of $692. The driver said his wife would be able to post the full bond amount. He was arrested and taken to the police station, where his wife posted the bond. The driver was then released.

_ Aug. 18 - An officer was driving north on STH 13 in Colby when he noticed a southbound vehicle traveling without headlights on after dark. The officer pulled the vehicle over near East Spence Street and met with the driver and his passenger. He advised the driver to turn his headlights on, as it was dark enough.

As the officer spoke to the occupants, he could smell marijuana coming from inside the vehicle. The driver denied that there was any marijuana in the vehicle. Dispatch reported that the driver had a revoked license.

The K-9 unit was deployed at the scene, and the dog alerted to the smell of marijuana. A search of a vehicle revealed a multicolored cap with marijuana residue on the inside. The driver said the hat belonged to a friend who was no longer in the vehicle. The passenger claimed he did not know the hat was inside the glove compartment in front of him.

The driver was informed that he would be the one cited for possession of drug paraphernalia since he was the one driving the vehicle. He was also cited for driving with a revoked license and warned about driving without proper headlights on. The driver said he would call for a ride.

_ Aug. 19 - While on routine patrol in Colby, an officer observed a male subject standing near the corner of STH 13 and West Clark Street. The officer was advised to run an in-house check on the man, who was identified by another officer.

Dispatch reported that the man had a warrant out for failure to appear in court. The officer turned around and stopped his squad vehicle near the intersection of Spence and STH 13. He pulled into a small parking lot and activated his emergency lights as the male subject walked by.

The officer met with the subject and confirmed his identity. He was frisked for weapons while the warrant was confi rmed through dispatch. The man was arrested and taken to the Marshfield Police Department, where he was transferred to the custody of a Wood County deputy.

_ Aug. 19 - An officer was dispatched to a Colby residence in reference to a 911 hangup. Dispatch reported two 911 calls had come the location, and it may have been a child who dialed accidently.

The officer met with a woman, who said her young daughter accidentally called 911 by selecting the “emergency call” feature on her phone. The offi cer also spoke to the child’s father, who confirmed that his daughter had grabbed the phone and was continually pressing buttons.

Both parties appeared to be calm, and nothing seemed to be out of order in the house. The child’s father said he would be more careful with his phone and attempt to disengage the emergency call feature.

_ Aug. 21 - An officer saw a men’s mountain bike parked by the garage of the Colby-Abby Police Department. The bike was found next to the police department garage and near by the fire department entry doors. It is unknown who dropped it off or how it got there.

The officer took the bike to the old recycling center for safe keeping. The bike is a Huffy brand with a Schwin brand seat that is more oval in shape that the traditional saddle-type seat.

_ Aug. 21 - An officer was dispatched to a disturbance call at a Colby residence. He was accompanied a Clark County deputy. They came upon a male and female outside that the offi cer recognized from previous law enforcement contacts.

The officer asked the male party what happened. He said he and the female party had been dating for about four months and were planning on going out to the bars that night. He said they started arguing after he asked her why she was always wanted to go out. The complainant said also said she had been smoking marijuana, and he handed the officer a small metal grinder.

The complainant said he was preparing to leave when his girlfriend attacked him. He said she grabbed his shirt sleeve and ripped it all the way to the armpit. He said she also grabbed him by the neck and threatened to have him killed by a hitman from Puerto Rico. He said she then grabbed a kitchen knife, pointed it at him, and told him he had 20 minutes to leave.

The complainant said he grabbed the knife out of his girlfriend’s hand, and she started throwing his things out of the apartment. The complainant said he was gathering his things when his girlfriend hit him in the head several times with a rubber mallet. He said he was able to run out of the apartment and call the police.

The officer photographed the complainant’s ripped shirt and some scratches on his arm, chest and shoulder area. He also took the knife and mallet as evidence. The complainant said he wanted to go to the hospital to get his head and chest checked out. An ambulance transported him to the emergency room. The officer also spoke to the girlfriend about the incident. She said that the complainant had hit and scratched her. She showed the officer her neck, but he did not see any red marks or any other indications that she had been injured. When asked about threatening the complainant with a knife and attacking him with a mallet, she denied doing either of those things. She also accused the complainant of stealing her phone, even though it was on the bed.

The officer also asked her about the complainant’s torn shirt. She claimed that the complainant had pushed her off the top of the stairs, and she grabbed onto his shirt, causing it to rip. She also said that the marijuana belonged to him. She was arrested for domestic disorderly and battery and was also cited for endangering safety by use of a dangerous weapon and possession or marijuana. A total of .1 grams of marijuana was taken as evidence.

The following day, an officer assisted with a civil standby after the female suspect was released from jail. She was allowed to collect a few of her belongings and her vehicle from the property. She also claimed that the complainant owed her money, but the officer explained that it was a civil matter.