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_ July 12 - An officer was on patrol in Abbotsford when he ran the license plate of a vehicle on Spruce Street. The plate came back as registered to a different vehicle, so the officer conducted a traffic stop.

The officer met with the driver, who admitted that he did not have a driver’s license. When asked why he was driving without one, he said it was too hot to walk to the gas station. The offi cer also asked him why he had the wrong license plates on his vehicle. The driver said he and his girlfriend were trying to get the plates transferred, but they did not have the money to do so. He provided the officer with the vehicle’s title.

The officer could smell marijuana as he spoke to the driver, so he asked the driver about it. The driver said the last time he smoked any was about a week earlier. The officer decided to do a K-9 walk-around of the vehicle.

The dog alerted to the smell of narcotics, and the driver was asked to exit the vehicle. The driver said he did not consent to a search of his vehicle and wanted to speak to the officer’s supervisor. The lieutenant happened to be on scene as backup, and he informed the driver that he was the supervisor.

The driver eventually agreed to exit the vehicle. A search of the vehicle revealed marijuana in the center console and on the driver’s side floor. The driver was cited for driving with a suspended license, driving without insurance, having an unregistered motor vehicle, displaying unauthorized registration plates and marijuana possession. A total of .2 grams of marijuana was confiscated.

_ July 12 - An officer was on West Spruce Street in Abbotsford when he was waved down by a man walking nearby. The man wanted to know where the nearest gas station was that was still open. He said he wanted to buy some cigarettes but had already consumed several beers. He said he had several drunk driving convictions on his record and did not want to drive while intoxicated.

The officer asked the man for some identification, and he provided his driver’s license. The officer ran the license through dispatch, which reported that the man had a body-only warrant out of Taylor County for failure to appear in court. The man claimed he was unaware of the warrant.

The officer asked the man if he had any weapons on him, as he was holding his hands in his pockets. The man admitted that he had a knife in the right pocket of his sweatshirt, and he immediately put his hand in that pocket. The officer took a step away from him and told him to take his hand out of the pocket. The man did not listen to the officer’s order, so the officer repeated it.

The man asked if he should just throw the knife into the grass. The officer told him to do so, and the man threw the knife into a nearby ditch. The officer told the man to stay still while he retrieved the knife. The officer secured the knife in his squad vehicle and searched the man for any further weapons, but did not find any.

The officer did find $3,000 in cash in the man’s pocket, as well as a full pack of cigarettes. The man said he didn’t realize the pack was full. When asked if he always carries that much money with him, he said he doesn’t like to leave it at home.

The man was arrested on the warrant and taken to County Line Road, where he was transferred to a Taylor County deputy for transport to the county jail.

_ July 13 - A Colby woman came to the police station to speak with an officer about missing a court date. The woman said she wanted to make sure she didn’t get in trouble. The officer ran her name through dispatch, and she came back as having a body-only warrant out of Clark County for failure to appear in court on a child neglect case. The woman was placed under arrest and taken to Clark County Jail.

_ July 13 - An Abbotsford man came to the police station with a warning letter he received for having an unregistered vehicle. He said the vehicle in question actually belongs to his neighbor to the south of his property. An officer told him to disregard the letter. The following day, the offi cer checked on the vehicle and could see how it may belong to the complainant’s neighbor. A warning letter was sent to the neighbor.

_ July 14 - An officer followed up ordinance violations at a house on South Main Street in Colby. The officer observed a pickup truck with an expired license that had been there since the last inspection on May 31. The hood was left open, there are no side windows, and it appears to be inoperable. A warning letter was sent to the owner.

_ July 17 - An officer ran the license plate of a vehicle on North Second Street in Abbotsford. The registered owner of the vehicle came back has having a revoked license and two warrants out of Clark County.

The officer pulled the vehicle over and met with the driver, who identified himself with an ID card. The officer noticed that the driver did not have an ignition interlock device installed on his vehicle, as required by a restriction on his driver’s license. The officer confirmed that the driver had two warrants for failure to appear in court on charges of resisting or obstructing an officer, drunk driving (second offense), driving after revocation and failure to install a ignition interlock.

The officer had the driver step out of the vehicle, and he explained the warrants to him. The driver claimed he did not have anyone to drive up to court. He was arrested and transported to Clark County Jail. He was also cited for driving with a revoked license and failure to install an ignition interlock.

_ July 17 - An officer was on Linden Street in Abbotsford when he observed a vehicle fail to stop for a stop sign at the intersection with Seventh Street. The officer pulled the vehicle over, and as he walked up to the driver’s side door, he could smell marijuana coming from the vehicle. The officer met with the driver and her passenger. The driver denied smoking any marijuana that night and said she did not have any in the vehicle.

A K-9 unit was dispatched to the scene, and the dog alerted to the smell of narcotics. Both the driver and her passenger were searched, but nothing was found on them. A search of the vehicle also turned up nothing.

The passenger had two warrants out of Clark County, with bond amounts totalling $453. He was arrested and taken to the police station, where he was able to post the full amount to be released. The driver was cited for failure to stop at a stop sign and driving without a valid license.

_ July 17 - Officers were dispatched to a local hotel in response to a disturbance. Dispatch said a woman had called and said she was in need of help.

Officers arrived and went to the woman’s hotel room, but no one answered when they knocked. They got the woman’s phone number and tried calling her, but no one answered. Officers were finally able to locate the woman in her vehicle in the parking lot.

The woman was in the vehicle with a male subject. When asked why she had called for help, the woman said it was actually her ex-boyfriend who called in an attempt to get her in trouble. She said she is not in any danger.

One of the officers ran the male subject’s name through dispatch, and he came back as having a body only warrant out of Clark County. He was arrested and taken to jail.