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_ May 31 - An officer was dispatched to South Seventh Street in Colby in response to a one-vehicle accident. Dispatch reported that the vehicle was unoccupied and had sustained a significant amount of damage. It had been abandoned in the front yard of a residence.

The reporting party said the vehicle had been there since 3 a.m., and at 7 a.m., and a man showed up in a truck with flatbed trailer and tried to load the car and leave. The caller said the man smelled of alcohol and was clearly intoxicated, so she would not let him leave with the car. She said the man drove away, and she was unable to get a license plate number. Based on the skid marks, the car had jumped the curb, skidded across the caller’s driveway, went through a ditch and came to a stop in the neighbor’s yard. Using the car’s license plate number, the officer identified the owner and went to her place in Owen. She said her son was using the car, and also confirmed that he drives a truck with a flatbed trailer for work.

The officer tried unsuccessfully to get a hold of the son, and he also went to his place of work, where his boss tried calling him several times. The officer planned on mailing citations to the suspect.

_ June 2 - An officer investigated ordinance violations at one residence in Abbotsford and three in Colby. At a house on West Spruce Street, the officer could see a mattress and an overturned chair between the sidewalk and the street. There was other debris scattered around the yard and several vehicles parked on the lot without license plates attached.

At a house on Lieders Street in Colby, the officer saw a vehicle with no front license plate and three tires on the lawn. At a house on Terrace Street, the officer saw an overturned yard wagon and other debris on the side of the garage, with tall grass and weeds growing around it. At a house on Wausau Street, there was a vehicle in the driveway with expired registration sticker. At a house on Sixth Street, the officer noted the presence of two vehicles that had not been moved in awhile, with tall grass and weeds growing around the sides. There was also a substantial amount of junk, including barrels, rims, metal, plastic totes, buckets, a compressor and a tiller.

Photographs were taken at each of the properties, and a warning letters were sent to the homeowners.

_ June 2 - An officer responded to a complaint of several juveniles causing problems in the area around Abbotsford City Hall. The officer spoke to the organizer of the Abby Festival, who said the group of kids was harassing the carnival workers, asking to buy meth from them and them swearing at them when they said no. The workers also saw some of the kids throwing rocks at the rides, but no damage was reported.

The complainant said the kids had also stolen a can of roadmarking paint and used it on some grass and rocks near the railroad tracks. Pictures of juveniles were obtained from the library’s security cameras, which were used to identify most of the juveniles. The officer made contact with one of the boy’s fathers before he was called away on another matter. He planned on following up the complaint during his next shift.

_ June 3 - An officer was dispatched to North Second Street in Abbotsford for a hit-and-run accident. The officer met with a woman who said she was sitting in her camper when a vehicle backed into it, causing several dents and a small hole. The complainant said she tried approaching the vehicle, but it drove away. The officer photographed the damage.

_ June 3 - An officer was called to assist Marathon County deputies with a disturbance on the CTH E south of STH 29. The offi cer and several deputies made contact with a man who was laying in the long grass of the ditch. He was very agitated and did not want to speak to the police. He began to walk away and told the deputies not to touch him. The man appeared to be very intoxicated, and it was later determined that he is diabetic.

The man started yelling at his mother and threw his phone and wallet into the ditch. Deputies took the keys out of his car in case he tried to drive away. The man got into the driver’s seat and got very angry when he realized the keys were gone.

The man then got into his mother’s face and was yelling at her when the officer and several deputies directed him to the ground. He started to tense up, making it difficult for handcuffs to be placed on him. He was placed into a squad vehicle, and started banging his head against the interior cage and door. The man was eventually released to his father, who arrived on scene.

_ June 5 - An officer was on patrol in Abbotsford when he noticed a westbound vehicle on East Spruce Street with a burntout headlight. He pulled the vehicle over and met with the driver, who admitted that she did not have a license, nor did she have insurance or an up-to-date registration. When asked where she was coming from, the driver said Curtiss. The officer told her that she was going the wrong way, and then she admitted she was taking the long way home to avoid law enforcement.

The K-9 officer came to the scene, and the dog alerted to the presence of narcotics in the vehicle. A pipe with marijuana residue was found inside the driver’s front pocket. A search of the vehicle uncovered another pipe and four silver sockets that smelled of marijuana. A credit card with a man’s name on it was also found. The driver claimed it belonged to a family friend who left it behind.

The credit card and paraphernalia were taken evidence, and the driver was cited for driving without a license, possession of drug paraphernalia, driving without insurance and non-registration of an automobile.

_ June 5 - Officers were dispatched to the soccer tournament in Abbotsford in reference to a disturbance. They met with a man who said he was getting ready to play soccer when two men attacked him, hitting him in the face and kicking him in the arm when he fell to the ground. He said a bystander was able to pull the men away.

The victim said he had gone to the hospital in Marshfield for treatment of a broken nose. His right arm was also in a sling, and both his eyes were bruised. The victim said he works with the two men who attacked him, and they are always trying to pick fights with people.

Police located the suspects at their residence in Abbotsford and took them to the police station for questioning. One of the suspects said the victim had started calling him names and threw the first punch. He admitted to punching the victim several times and kicking him. The other suspect also claimed that the victim started the fight, and that he had only broken it up. He said it was over a woman the victim used to date.

At first, the two suspects denied working at the same place as the victim. Both of them became nervous when asked about where they worked, and one of them said he was worried because of his immigration status. The other asked to speak to a lawyer.

The suspects were also questioned about their involvement in a May 9 fight at a bar in Abbotsford that landed the victim in the hospital. One of the suspects said he only tried to separate the people involved in the fight, despite what witnesses had told police. He also said he “took care of things” with the victim in that case, and said he paid him.

Both suspects were arrested for substantial battery and disorderly conduct and taken to Clark County Jail.

_ June 5 - An officer was on patrol at Abby Festival when he was approached by a woman who said she had just been involved in a fight. The complainant said a woman who been fighting several other people came up to her and took several swings at her face, but missed every time.

The complainant said the woman did hit her arm, causing her pain. She said she pushed the woman away, and the woman pushed her back into her pregnant sister. The sister said she was unharmed. The officer walked up and down First Street, but was unable to locate the suspect.

_ June 5 - Officers were on patrol at Abby Festival when they responded to a report of a fight at a local bar. They were approached by a woman who was yelling and appeared to be intoxicated. She said she was at the bar ordering a drink when she was approached by another woman who told her to stop talking to her man. The complainant said this woman threw a drink at her. They were both told to leave, and they started fighting as they exited the bar. She said they both were pulling each other’s hair at one point.

The officers also spoke to the other woman involved. She said the complainant was the one who approached her and spilled a drink on her. She said the complainant then punched her in the side of the head with a closed fist, causing her get a headache and blurred vision. She confirmed that they both grabbed each other’s hair as they stumbled out of the bar.

Officers reviewed security footage from the bar, and could see the complainant punching the other woman in the head. She was arrested for battery and taken to Clark County Jail. The other woman was evaluated by EMTs, but did not require transportation to a hospital.

_ June 5 - Officers investigated a fight near the beer stand at Abby Festival. They met with a man and his girlfriend, who said they had been approached by two men, and one of the men punched the victim at least twice in the face. The victim said he put his arms up to defend himself, and his shirt was ripped from the attack. The victim said he had a long history with the men involved. Officers checked the area for the suspects, but were not able to find them.

_ June 6 - An officer was dispatched to the area of STH 13 and Adams Street in Colby in reference to a vehicle that was unable to stay in its lane of traffi c. Dispatch reported that the vehicle had just been involved in an accident on Huckleberry Road in Marathon County.

When the officer arrived, the vehicle was turning onto Dehne Drive. It had sustained significant front and rear-end damage, its hazard lights were on and the windshield wipers were activated. The vehicle turned into a parking lot, and the officer activated his emergency lights.

The officer could immediately smell alcohol as soon as the driver rolled down his window. His eyes were red and glassy, and his speech was slurred. The driver did not have any identification on him, so the officer had him write down his name. The driver kept nodding off as the officer spoke to him. When asked how much he had to drink, he said maybe three to six beers.

The driver was asked to do field sobriety tests, and he showed several signs of intoxication. He also registered a .21 blood-alcohol content on a preliminary breath test. He was arrested and taken to the police station, where he registered a .17 BAC on the breathalyzer. He was cited for drunk driving, driving without a license and driving without insurance.

The Marathon County Sheriff’s Department handled the accident investigation.

_ June 6 - An officer was dispatched to North Ninth Street in Abbotsford in reference to an unregistered ATV riding on the street. The officer met with a man standing next to an ATV with no registration stickers or license. The man denied riding it on the street. The officer warned him that he can only ride it on his own property, or he will cited.