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_ May 24 - An officer was dispatched to an Abbotsford residence in reference to a mailbox that had been damaged by a motor vehicle. Two other mailboxes were also destroyed, and the officer found some plastic car parts and a license plate nearby. The plate was registered to a man in Abbotsford.

The officer also spoke to one of the neighbors whose mailbox was damaged. She said her brother heard the accident at about 8 p.m. the previous night, but the vehicle left the scene before he could catch a glimpse. The officer asked all the property owners to provide cost estimates for replacing their mailboxes.

The officer was able to contact the vehicle owner at his place of business. He admitted to hitting the mailboxes while sending a text message on his phone. The officer told him that he would be cited and would be responsible for paying for the mailboxes. The driver apologized and said he would replace them.

_ May 24 - An officer was dispatched to a Colby gas station in reference to a suspicious bag being found in one of the bathroom stalls. The officer met with an employee who gave him a bag with a resealable lunch baggie inside containing methamphetamine. The baggie and meth weighed 4.9 grams.

_ May 25 - An officer was dispatched to an Abbotsford residence in reference to a purse being stolen from an unlocked vehicle. The officer met with the complainant, who said the purse was taken sometime between 11 or 11:30 p.m. the night before and 10 or 10:30 a.m. that morning. She said the purse contained her driver’s license and all of her credit card and banking information. She said her husband’s pickup truck had also been gone through.

_ May 25 - An officer was dispatched to an Abbotsford residence in reference to a purse and keys being stolen from an unlocked vehicle. The complainant said her daughter’s purse, the keys to the vehicle and another set of keys were all taken sometime between 8:30 p.m. the night before and 7 a.m. that morning. She said her daughter’s purse contained several debit and credit cards.

The officer checked several areas in that part of the town, including garbage cans, but did not see any of the items discarded.

_ May 26 - An officer investigated possible ordinance violations at three residences in Abbotsford and one in Colby.

At a house on West Spruce Street, the officer saw a trailer filled with junk, including appliances, a bike and tires. There was also a wood pallet leaning against the house, and tall weeds and grass growing up around the property. Behind the house were various items, including wood, an overturned wheel barrel, bins, tarps and other debris.

At a house on South Main Street in Colby, the officer observed a refrigerator, mattress, table, wood, bricks and other junk, with grass and weeds growing around it.

At a house on North Second Street in Abbotsford, the officer observed a broken TV in the lawn, along with a pile of wood debris and tires.

At a house on East Oak Street in Abbotsford, there was a door, metal pallet and car parts near a privacy fence, with grass growing around the items.

Photographs were taken at each of the properties, and warning letters were sent to the property owners.

_ May 26 - An officer spoke a woman who said someone had stolen items out of her vehicle while it was parked in front of her work. The complainant said she had gone out for a smoke break between 2 and 3 a.m., and she heard a door slam. She saw two males walking away from her vehicle, and she went back inside. She described them as small, skinny and wearing black clothing with hoods up. She said three packs of cigarettes and $6 worth of quarters were taken.

_ May 26 - An officer spoke to an Abbotsford man in reference to someone rummaging through his vehicle. The complainant said the center console had been left open and various items were thrown around. He said he doesn’t keep anything of value in the vehicle. All but one of the doors had been locked. The complainant said he reviewed footage from his doorbell camera, but couldn’t see anything.

_ May 28 - An officer was informed of an Abbotsford mother who suspected that her teenage daughter was having sexual relations with an 21-yearold male at a local park. The officer went to the city’s public works department to view security camera footage.

The footage showed the teen’s vehicle entering the park at about 7:10 a.m. that morning, followed by a black Ford F-150 that parked next to the teen’s vehicle for about two to three minutes before leaving. At 8:24 a.m., a red Dodge arrived and also stopped by the teen’s vehicle for about five minutes. The F-150 returned at about 8:33 a.m. and left again after five minutes.

Photographs of the vehicles were taken from the surveillance footage, but it was difficult to make out any license plates. The officer did confirm that the F-150 matched the vehicle of the suspect identified by the teen’s mother.

The officer spoke to the mother, who said her daughter had recently come home with what looked like a hickey. The officer told her that he would have to do some more investigation before coming to any conclusions.

_ May 29 - An officer met with a woman who said she had been shopping at a local store when a male subject started following her around. She said hi to him, but then he asked her twice if she wanted to be his girlfriend, and she said no. The complainant said she reported the incident to a store employee, who advised her to contact the police. The officer told her to call the police right away if she encounters the man again.

_ May 29 - An officer went to a local hotel to speak with a woman who had been abandoned in the area. The woman said she had riding with her boyfriend in his semi when they got into an argument. She said nothing physical happened, but when they stopped at a gas station, he left her there.

The complainant said she started walking out of Abbotsford and was picked up by an unknown who brought her to the hotel and paid for a room. The complainant said she only had the clothing she was wearing, and did not have any money or her driver’s license. She said she did not know how to get hold of her significant other.

The woman said she had some family in Indiana, but they wouldn’t be able to pick her up until June 1. The officer decided to take the woman to the Salvation Army Shelter in Wausau. He also provided her with the number of Marathon County dispatch in case she needed anything else.

_ May 29 - An officer spoke to an Abbotsford woman about her estranged husband sneaking around by her apartment at night. The couple was in the process of getting divorced, and the husband had been warned numerous times not to go to his wife’s new residence.

The complainant said she recently had a game camera installed on her property, and when she reviewed photos, she could see her estranged husband walking around her apartment on two separate occasions during the month of May. Photographs from May 14 clearly showed the husband walking around at about 11:10 p.m. Another set of photographs from May 19, between 9:43 and 9:45 p.m., showed a male party with his hood up looking into the apartment windows. The officer couldn’t see his face, but the wife said it was her husband.

The complainant said she thought her husband had been warned enough times already, and the officer agreed. He said he would speak to the husband and possibly issue him a citation.

_ May 29 - An officer ran the license plate of a vehicle traveling south on STH 13 in Abbotsford, and the registration came back as revoked. The officer pulled the vehicle over and informed the driver of the reason for the stop. The officer could see unopened beer cans all over the cab of the truck, and a case of beer on the passenger’s side floor. When the officer asked the driver who the beer belonged to, he said it was his uncle’s.

The driver’s name was run through dispatch, which reported that he had a revoked license due to an alcohol-related offense. Another officer arrived to assist, and the first officer ran his K-9 around the vehicle for a drug sniff. The dog alerted to the smell of narcotics, and a search of the vehicle revealed a vape pen and several cartridges containing THC, the active ingredient in marijuana. The driver admitted they were his.

The driver was cited for driving with a revoked license, driving without insurance, possession of THC and underage possession of alcohol. The beer and vaping materials were confi scated. The driver’s mother came to the scene, moved the truck to a nearby parking lot and took her son home.

_ May 31 - The owner of a warehouse in Abbotsford called to report a possible break-in at his property. The complainant showed an officer that the rear service door to the warehouse was open. It was unknown if anything was missing, but the complainant said a man living next door noticed some kids hanging around the warehouse that weekend.

The officer spoke to the neighbor, whosaidhesawwhatlooked like four middle-school ago kids hanging around the open warehouse door. He wasn’t sure if they belonged there, so he didn’t say anything right away. He said he would call the police if he sees anything else in the future.

_ June 1 - An officer responded to a report of two individuals trying to enter an Abbotsford church at about 2:30 a.m. The officer responded, along with deputies from Clark and Marathon counties. One of the church’s doors was unlocked, so the officers searched inside. No one was found, and nothing appeared to be damaged or out of place. The officer locked all of the doors before leaving.