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_ May 13 - Officers went to an Abbotsford residence to speak to a male party who had an active warrant out for suffocation/ strangulation, misdemeanor battery and domestic disorderly conduct. The subject was informed of the warrant, and acknowledged missing a court date. He was arrested and taken to the Clark County Jail.

_ May 21 - Officers were dispatched to an Abbotsford gas station in reference to an upset customer who appeared to be intoxicated. The officers met with a cashier who said the customer in question had just left.

The cashier said the customer, who had alcohol on her breath, hadatotalof $9.01worthof items to buy. The customer handed her a $10 bill, but the cashier didn’t enough change in her drawer to give her 99 cents, so instead, the cashier took a penny from the dish on the counter and gave the woman a $1 bill back. This upset the customer, who started screaming it that was her right to get 99 cents back instead of a dollar. The cashier said she tried explaining to the customer several times that she was short on coins, but the customer wouldn’t listen. The cashier told the customer to leave the store, but she refused and got in her face while screaming. The cashier said that is when she dialled 911. Once the customer heard police sirens, she took off.

The cashier said this is not the first time the woman has caused a disturbance in the store, and her manager would like her barred from coming back. The officer said he would let the woman know. Officers were familiar with the customer from previous contacts, so they went to her place in Abbotsford. She was very intoxicated. When asked what happened at the gas station, she said they refused to give her change. She denied yelling in the cashier’s face. Officers told her that she is no longer welcome at the store, and if she returned, she would be charged with trespassing.

_ May 22 - An officer ran the license plate of a vehicle as it turned north onto STH 13 from Maple Street in Abbotsford. The plate was expired, so the officer activated his emergency lights, and the vehicle pulled over into a nearby parking lot.

The officer informed the driver of the reason for the stop and asked him where he was headed. He said he was going to Wausau. The officer questioned why he would be headed north. The driver said he needed to get gas in Dorchester before taking CTH A. The officer said CTH A does not go to Wausau and wondered why he would pass so many other gas stations. The driver said he thought gas might be cheaper in Dorchester The officer asked the driver if he had any drugs or contraband in his vehicle. He said no, but admitted that a dog might pick up on the smell of marijuana since he had smoked it in the vehicle a couple weeks prior. The officer deployed his K-9, and the dog alerted to the presence of drugs on the driver’s side door.

A black safe was found behind the driver’s seat. The driver provided the officer with the code, and inside was a pipe with methamphetamine residue. Dispatch showed that the driver had a suspended license. He was cited for possession of drug paraphernalia, driving with a suspended license and driving without insurance.

_ May 23 - An officer met with the owner of a local gas station who wanted to report damage to his property. He showed the officer the bottom panel of a garage door that was bent. The complainant also showed the offi cer a video of a male party in a truck hauling a tractor on a trailer. The tractor’s tailpipe can be seen hitting the garage door. The officer used the truck’s plate number to contact the owner. He said he didn’t realize he had damaged the door and agreed to contact the business owner to pay for the repairs.

_ May 22 - An officer was on patrol in Colby when he noticed a vehicle with a fully tinted windshield. He pulled the vehicle over and informed the driver of the reason for the stop. The driver said the windshield was fully tinted when she purchased it a couple months ago. The officer told her she needs to remove the tint to comply with the law.

The officer ran the driver’s name through dispatch, and she came back as having a warrant out of West Allis for an unpaid parking ticket. The bond was $124. The driver said she would be able to post the full amount, so she was arrested and taken to the police station. The passenger was told where the police station was so she could post the bond. The cash was delivered, and the driver was released.

_ May 23 - An officer was dispatched to an Abbotsford residence in reference to a 911 hangup. Dispatch reported that it sounded like people were arguing and wrestling to get the phone. The officer was flagged down by a woman on the porch, and the woman’s teenage daughter came out soon after and started arguing with her mother. The officer had the daughter come to the end of the driveway so they could speak alone.

The teen said she had been staying at the residence with her boyfriend and his mother for the past two weeks. She said they were planning to move into her boyfriend’s cousin’s house, but her mother did not approve of that. She said her mom just showed up and started yelling at her to come home with her before calling 911.

The teen said her older brother is being investigated for a sexual assault against her, and that’s why she doesn’t feel comfortable staying at home. She said her mother lets her brother stay at home alone with her all the time.

The officer went and spoke to the mother, who confirmed that she was there to pick up her daughter. She said the allegation against her son was false, and she denied leaving them alone together in the house. The daughter agreed to return home that night, but said she did not want to ride with her mother because they would just fighting.

The mother and daughter started arguing again, and the officer questioned the mother why she had not reported her daughter as a runaway. The mother said she told her daughter’s teachers. The officer started to explain to her the proper way to report a juvenile runaway, and the mother got upset, told her daughter to come home that night and then sped off.

The officer informed the teen that she needed to return home that night or she would be reported as a runaway, and police would either take her home or to a teen shelter. The officer also advised her to contact the police in her hometown if her brother showed up in violation of a nocontact order. A ride showed up to take the teen home.

_ May 23 - A woman came to the police station with a dog she found on STH 13 north of Pine Street in Abbotsford. She said the dog was well-behaved and appeared to be well taken care of.

The dog was an all-black female with a collar but no tags. It appeared to be well groomed and smelled of soap. The dog was taken to the local kennel until the owner could be found.