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_ April 14 - An officer was informed of the arrest of a woman in Medford who matched the description of a suspect who had used counterfeit bills at a Colby business on April 10. The arresting officer in Medford had found $4,400 in counterfeit money in her vehicle.

The officer obtained booking photos of the woman and her accomplice in the counterfeit scheme. They matched the images captured by a security camera in the Colby store where the fake bills were used. The cashiers also verified that the suspects were driving the same vehicle as the woman who had been arrested in Medford.

Officers determined that the couple had been staying at a local hotel for about a week, and the male suspect had recently shaved his head so his appearance did not match his booking photo. An officer tried to arrange for the male suspect to come to the police station for an interview, but he did not show up. A probation warrant was placed on the suspect, and charges of using counterfeit money were referred to the district attorney for both suspects.

_ May 4 - The owner of an Abbotsford car wash showed an officer a video of a woman hiding a bag of garbage behind the vacuum cleaner at the car wash. The woman was identified as a Colby resident and was issued a citation for littering.

_ May 4 - An officer was dispatched to a Colby apartment for a welfare check on two children who had reportedly been playing outside naked and unsupervised. The officer met with the mother of the children. She said her three-year-old son does take his clothes off sometimes, and he has recently figured out how to get out of their patio. She said she supervises her kids and neither of them have ever gone to a nearby playground while naked, despite what the anonymous complaint said. Based on his observations, the officer did not believe any further investigation was warranted.

_ May 5 - An officer responded to a complaint of ordinance violations at a residence on Second Street in Abbotsford. The officer could see two mattresses lying near the road and a pile of wood in the grass. Photographs were taken, and a warning letter was sent to the owners.

_ May 5 - An officer went to an Abbotsford residence to investigate a complaint of a woman having more than the three dogs allowed by city ordinance. The woman said she had just moved in and acknowledged having five dogs. She said she spoke to someone at city hall about it, and plans on applying for a kennel license so she can exceed the three-dog limit.

_ May 6 - An officer responded to a Colby neighborhood in reference to a woman who was reportedly acting strangely and possibly driving while drunk. The officer located the woman’s vehicle and watched as she got out and looked around at a garage sale. He also ran her license plate, which was suspended.

The officer approached the woman and told her about the suspended license. The woman appeared nervous and kept talking about being thirsty. The offi cer also noticed two red marks on her lips, indicating that she had been smoking from a pipe. She admitted to using drugs in the past but said she hadn’t done anything since last October.

The officer also learned the driver did not have proper insurance for her vehicle, and her driver’s license was revoked. Based on her behavior, the offi cer had her do field sobriety tests. She had trouble maintaining her balance and following instructions. She agreed to do a breath test, which showed no alcohol in her system.

The woman was arrested on the suspicion of driving while under the influence of narcotics. Two glass pipes with methamphetamine residue were found inside her glasses case. A mini flame torch was also handed over to the officer. The woman was taken to a hospital in Marshfield for a blood draw, and then taken to Clark County Jail, where she was booked for driving under the influence (second offense) and possession of drug paraphernalia.

_ May 7 - An officer was dispatched to an Abbotsford bar in reference to a possible fight involving five people. The officer arrived and met with the bar owners, who were standing outside. They said several male subjects were trying to get a man into a car so he would leave the bar, but there was no fight.

_ May 8 - An officer was on patrol in Abbotsford when he ran the license plate of a vehicle on North Second Street. The vehicle came back as registered to a woman with a suspended driver’s license. The front passenger’s window had very dark tinting, so the officer was unable to see inside the vehicle.

The vehicle took a couple of turns and then started to pick up speed as it went south on South First Street. The officer activated his emergency lights and sirens, and the vehicle’s speed increased to 70 miles per hour in a 25 mph zone. It failed to stop for a stop sign at the intersection with Linden Street, and then turned right onto Linden and headed west with the officer in pursuit.

The vehicle turned right onto South Second Avenue, heading north, and then came to a stop. The driver and two passengers jumped out of the vehicle and ran east towards South First Avenue. The officer jumped out of his squad, yelled “police, stop” and pursued all three on foot.

Two of the men ran into an apartment complex. One of them exited while the other stayed in the basement. The offi cer caught the man outside, directed him to the ground and placed him in handcuffs. Another officer arrived on scene and was able to arrest the other male subject after he emerged from the apartment building. Both of the men refused to answer questions. One of them had four active warrants for failure to appear in court, so he was taken to Clark County Jail.

The officer ran back to his squad to turn his sirens off. The doors on the suspect’s vehicle were wide open, and the officer could smell marijuana coming from inside. The officer was approached by a nearby resident who saw the third suspect run into a house across the street. The officer went to the house and met with two women in the driveway. They admitted the suspect was inside the house before opening the door. The officer could see the suspect sitting on a couch. He yelled at him to come outside, which he did. He was placed under arrest.

A search of the suspect’s vehicle uncovered eight grams of vape liquid containing THC, along with several empty cartridges and a vape pen with THC residue. Two of the suspects were juveniles, so social services was contacted. Social services advised the officers to refer the suspects to the juvenile court system and to release them to their parents. Charges of drug possession, fleeing an officer and resisting an officer were recommended.

_ May 8 - An officer was dispatched to a Colby residence in reference to a possibly intoxicated male subject walking around with a gun. The officer arrived and met with a man standing outside with what appeared to be a black pistol in his hand. The officer yelled at the man to drop the gun, but he did not listen, so the officer yelled at him again. The man then dropped the gun into the grass.

The officer yelled at the man to walk toward him as he parked his squad at the end of the driveway. The suspect appeared to be agitated. Another officer arrived and retrieved the gun. The suspect said it was just a BB gun, but the officer told him it looked like a pistol and his neighbors were concerned.

The suspect continued to yell at the officer and accused him of having a bad attitude. The BB gun was confiscated, and the suspect was cited for disorderly conduct and discharging a pellet gun within city limits.

_ May 8 - Officers responded to an Abbotsford residence in reference to a domestic disturbance. They met with a couple and spoke to a teenager who said her mother’s boyfriend had thrown things at her mother and grabbed her when she tried to leave.

An officer spoke to the male subject, who said he was arguing with his girlfriend when she started hitting him with a shoe, and they fell into a bed after he grabbed her. He denied throwing anything at her but admitted to grabbing her so she wouldn’t leave.

The officer also talked to the female party, who said her boyfriend was drunk when she got home, and she tried to get him to leave. She said he pushed her into the bed and grabbed her when she tried to get away. She said she was able to get her kids into the car before the police arrived. The boyfriend was arrested for domestic disorderly conduct and taken to jail.

_ May 9 - An officer was driving through Abbotsford when he noticed a group of people standing outside a bar. He could see that one man was kicking another man on the ground. The officer informed dispatch of the fight, and when he exited his squad, the group of people scattered, including the suspect.

The victim was laying on the ground, and appeared to be unconscious. Officers were not able to wake him up, so an ambulance was called to the scene. The man was bleeding from his nose and he appeared to be in a lot of pain. Another man was at the scene, but he refused to speak to officers about what happened. The man had blood on his hands and face and he appeared to be intoxicated.

Both men were transported to the hospital in Marshfield, and since no one was willing to talk about what happened, the officers left. The next day, a woman called to talk about the incident. She said the two victims tried breaking up a fight outside the bar and were physically assaulted. One of the men had a broken nose, and the other had bruising to his back and chest. Photographs of the injuries, along with the name of a suspect, were provided to the officer.

_ May 9 - An officer was dispatched to the intersection of North Fourth Street and East Pine in Abbotsford in reference to a man being followed. The complainant said he was walking home when he noticed the man following him. He said he recognized the man’s vehicle, and said the man turned around a couple times to drive past him. The officer warned the other man to leave the complainant alone.