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_ Feb. 1 - An officer spoke to an Abbotsford man about a snow plowing complaint involving his neighbors. The complainant said he put in a privacy fence along three sides of his property last summer, and since then, he’s had an ongoing dispute with the city and his neighbors regarding the property lines.

On that day, the complainant said both his neighbors had pushed snow onto his property and up against his fence. He showed the officer where one of his neighbors had plowed a three-foot pile of snow onto his property. The other neighbor had used a snowblower to move snow onto his property.

The complainant said his fence had to be moved inward from an adjacent alley, leaving a grassy area of his property exposed. He said he plowed this area to keep snow off the fence, but then his neighbors would push their own snow into that space. He was worried that his fence would be damaged if a city plow went through and pushed more snow against it.

The officer spoke to both of the complainant’s neighbors about the issue and filed a report in case of any further issues.

_ Feb. 2 - Dispatch received a call from someone in California requesting a welfare check on a Colby man who had reportedly been drinking heavily and possibly snorted an unknown substance. The caller said the man in question had a small child, so they wanted an officer to check on him and the child.

An officer went to the man’s house and advised him of the call. The man said he had been using an online app to communicate with people from around the country, and some of them are trying to get him in trouble with child protective services. He said he occasionally drinks a few beers but does not use drugs.

The man said his ex-girlfriend uses the same online app, and others on the app are helping her. The officer gave him some advice about posting on social media. When the officer asked about the man’s child, he said the child stays at a babysitter’s house on nights when his brother needs to get some sleep. The brother was also present, and vouched for his statements.

The officer did not see any indications of drug use and did not feel the man was a threat to himself or others.

_ Feb. 3 - An officer observed a vehicle traveling on STH 13 with no taillights on after dark. The officer pulled the vehicle over and met with the driver and his female passenger, who he recognized from previous contacts.

The passenger had an open domestic abuse case and was not allowed to have contact with the driver. The officer had the passenger exit the vehicle, and the driver got upset. The officer explained the bond conditions to the driver, but he said he was the one who initiated contact. The officer said it didn’t matter, since she knows she’s not supposed to have contact with him. The driver said it was his fault and asked the officer to take him to jail instead, but the officer said that wasn’t an option.

The woman’s two teenage daughters were in the backseat, and they got upset and started crying and yelling when they learned their mother was being arrested. The driver asked if the officer could wait until the teens’ father showed up, as he was already on his way. The father arrived and was able to calm his daughters down. The passenger was arrested for bond jumping and taken to Clark County Jail.

_ Feb. 3 - An officer filed a report regarding three children who had been exposed to drugs while living with their mother and her boyfriend in Abbotsford. The couple were arrested in December after a search of their residence uncovered evidence of drug use. Hair samples from three children — ages 5, 4 and 3 months — were tested and showed exposure to methamphetamine and marijuana. The officer and a Clark County social service interviewed the oldest child, who talked about seeing his mother and her boyfriend smoking from a glass pipe. This evidence was forwarded to the district attorney’s office, along with a recommendation that the mother and her boyfriend be charged with child neglect.

_ Feb. 3 - An officer met with an Abbotsford woman who wanted to file a harassment complaint. The complainant said she was asleep with her three children on the night of Jan. 27 when her daughter heard what sounded like someone trying to open the locked bedroom door. She said her daughter looked under the door and saw a man in the living room holding a liquor bottle. At the time, the complainant said she thought her daughter was dreaming.

Then, at about 10:45 p.m. the previous night, she said a male party pulled his vehicle in front of her residence and jiggled the door handle. The complainant called her boyfriend to come over. She said it turns out the male party had wanted to go out drinking with her boyfriend.

The officer met with the male party at his place of employment. He denied going to the complainant’s place on Jan. 27 and said he never entered the residence. He said the complainant’s boyfriend used to live there, and he had wanted to hang out with him. The officer informed him that the complainant does not want him there again, and if he returns, he could be arrested for trespassing.

_ Feb. 3 - An officer was dispatched to a local hotel in reference to an unknown substance found in one of the rooms. He met with an employee who showed him to the room where a bag containing three white rocks was found on the bed. The substance later tested positive as methamphetamine.

The officer was told that the last person who rented the room had checked in on Jan. 31 and checked out on Feb. 2. The man who registered with the hotel was from Illinois, and a second male subject was with him. The officer contacted the police department in Illinois where the man lives, and he also asked the hotel staff to see if they could get a photo of him from the security cameras.

_ Feb. 3 - An officer met with an Abbotsford woman who wanted to report her daughter’s boyfriend for violating his probation. The complainant said the boyfriend is on probation for selling methamphetamine, and as a condition of his probation, he is not to have any contact with her. She showed the officer a letter she received from the Oneida County Jail, written by the boyfriend. The officer took photos of the letter and sent it to the boyfriend’s parole officer.

_ Feb. 4 - An officer spoke to a woman over the phone about a harassment complaint she had previously filed against her father. The complainant had previously spoken to another officer on Jan. 27 about unwanted phone calls and messages she was receiving from her father.

The complainant said the father had called the police department in the city where she lives and had them pass along a message to her. She asked if the officer could tell her father to stop using third parties to communicate with her. The officer called the father, who lives in Abbotsford, and left him a message telling him to cease all contact with the complainant, including through third parties.

The officer called the complainant back to let her know that he had left a message on her father’s voicemail. He also advised her to contact her local police if the harassment continued.

_ Feb. 5 - A teen from Colby came to the police station to see if anyone had turned in her girl's mountain bike. She said she had lost her bike last spring, and thought she would check if it was at the station. An officer showed her a bike that had recently been turned it, but it was not hers. The teen provided a description of her bike, and the offi cer said she would be contacted if someone turned it in.

_ Feb. 6 - An officer was dispatched to an Abbotsford residence in reference to a woman yelling and pulling things off the wall. The officer did not hear any yelling when he arrived and did not notice any signs of a disturbance. He spoke to a man who said he had been arguing with his girlfriend about her not washing the dishes. The offi cer also spoke to the girlfriend, who was putting some of her clothing into garbage bags. She admitted to arguing with her boyfriend earlier and said she was leaving to stay at a friend’s house for the night.

_ Feb. 6 - An officer was dispatched to an Abbotsford apartment building in reference to a vehicle that was struck by a plow truck. He met with a woman whose SUV had been hit by the truck clearing the apartment’s parking lot. The officer photographed the damage to the vehicle’s front end.

The officer contacted the company that had been hired to plow the parking lot. He spoke to a manager who said she was aware of the incident and would be handling the issue. The offi cer also tried contacting the plow driver, but was unable to get a hold of him.

_ Feb. 6 - An officer was dispatched to Unity to assist Marathon County with a domestic disturbance possibly involving a man with a gun. Several other law enforcement agencies also responded to the scene and set up a perimeter around the residence.

The officer learned that a female party was originally thought to be in the residence, but she had actually gone to her mother’s place in Abbotsford, so he went there to meet with her. She told the officer that the male party involved in the incident was no longer at the residence in Unity. She gave police permission to enter the residence and search it. No one was found inside, and the officer left while the sheriff’s department continued its investigation of the incident.

_ Feb. 7 - Just before 2 a.m., an officer was traveling down Colonial Avenue between Colby and Abbotsford when he noticed a vehicle partially stuck in the ditch near the intersection with Oak Road. The officer notified the Clark County Sheriff’s Department, and stood by to assist when the deputy arrived.

A male party was standing on Oak Road and a second man was seated in the driver’s seat of the vehicle. Based on his observations, the officer believed both men were under the influence of alcohol. Because of the subzero temperatures outside, he had both men sit inside the vehicle until the deputy arrived.

After the deputy got there, both men were taken to the police station, and the man who had been in the driver’s seat was led through field sobriety tests. He also registered a .11 bloodalcohol level on the breathalyzer and was cited for drunk driving.

While talking to the two men, police learned that the man who had been standing in the road when the officer arrived had actually been driving the vehicle before the accident. He had gotten out of the vehicle while his passenger was trying to drive it out of the ditch. The second man blew a .13 BAC and was also cited for drunk driving.

_ Feb. 7 - An officer was dispatched to a local gas station in reference to a gas drive-off. The vehicle's license plate had been obscured by snow, so the officer had no way of identifying the owner. The vehicle was a Cadillac CTS, but the officer had a hard time determining its color from the surveillance footage. He checked the area, but did not find a similar vehicle.