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Loyal students will register on August 6 & 7


Registration for students in grades 4K-12 will be held on Aug. 6 and 7. Students may register at their school office from 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. on both days. The registration/consumable products charge for 2024-25 will be $25 for elementary students, $35 for middle/high school students, with a total family cap of $70.


School will begin Aug. 27 for grades K-12. The starting time for school is 8 a.m. Students are not to be in the school building before 7:50 a.m., unless under the supervision of a teacher. Elementary students are to report to their classrooms, and middle and high school students to the high school gym by 8 a.m. on the first day.


Students who will be driving to school will not be allowed to use their vehicles during the school day, including lunch hour, without a pass from the high school office. Passes will only be given for dental/doctor appointments, illness or family emergencies. All students who drive must fill out a registration form in the high school office. Failure to follow these rules will result in disciplinary actions.


Loyal High School will continue to have a closed campus for all students. Written notes from parents/guardians must be turned in to the high school office. In order for the students to be issued an initial pass, the parent or guardian must meet with the high school principal to discuss the campus policy. The use of a vehicle is prohibited.


The school bus service will be handled by Greenwood Bus, LLC of Greenwood, Wis. They are now in the process of preparing bus schedules and routes. If you have any questions concerning bus routes, please contact Greenwood Bus, LLC at 715-267-6416 or 267-6453.


The fees established by the Board of Education are as follows: Registration/Consumable Products Charge: $25, elementary students; $35, middle/high school students; with a total family cap of $70. Athletic Fees: middle school, $30 each sport; high school, $40 per sport; with a family cap of $130. An additional user fee may be charged for some classes; this fee will be payable when the students begin such classes. Included will be behindthe- wheel driver education with a fee of $300. Breakfast and lunch prices will be: $3.10 – daily ($15.50 weekly) for grades 4K through five. $3.25 – daily ($16.25 weekly) for grades six through eight. $3.35 – daily ($16.75 weekly) for grades nine through 12. $4.75 – daily ($20 weekly) for adult meals. Breakfast prices $1.60 ($8 weekly) grades 4K-12


The high school and elementary offices will be publishing a parent handbook for the 2024-2025 school year. General school information will be printed so parents can be informed of school policies. Parents should pick these up at registration on Aug. 6 and 7.