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Fishing brothers do it again

Fishing brothers do it again Fishing brothers do it again

The Loyal School District would like to extend our congratulations and gratitude to brothers Ashtin, Kolton, and Karston Pagenkopf for once again representing our district in the Lake Holcombe Lions Fish for Your School Ice Fishing Contest. Their most recent catches earned $1,500 in winnings for our district.

Ashtin placed first in the small fish category with his 11.5” crappie for $750 in earnings. Kolton’s 9.75” crappie placed second in the small fish category with $500 in earnings. Karston earned $250 for his 17.75” bass, which placed third in the large fish category.

Since 2009, the Pagenkopf brothers’ love for fishing has earned the Loyal School District $6,000 in winnings! This money has been used to purchase playground and other equipment for student use.

Again, we would like express congratulations and our sincere gratitude for the money you have earned our district. We hope you continue to enjoy your love for fishing and the outdoors for many years to come. We would also like to extend our thanks to the Lake Holcombe Lions Club for offering this opportunity to any students who wish to participate.

The Lake Holcombe Lions Club encourages any of our students to come and fish for the Loyal School District at their fishing contest. The contest is free and is held on the “pond” north of Big Swede’s Resort the second Saturday in February from noon to 3 p.m. Students have the opportunity to earn between $250 to $750 dollars for first, second and third places in each of the large and small fish categories. This is seen as a win-win situation with the students developing a lifelong skill and helping provide their school with enrichment for their students.