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Colby Community Library January Update

The Colby Community Library (CCL) welcomes the new year with events and programs for our current and future patrons. A brochure of events at the CCL in 2025 is available to all community members.

Free 2025-2026 laminated calendars have been printed as New Year’s gifts for the community. There are also free CCL monogrammed pens for patrons.

Basket Weaving

Registration begins on Thursday, January 2 at noon for a basket class at the CCL. Taught by instructor Jeni of Woven Blessings Basketry, the class will be held on Saturday, January 25 in the CCL Community Room. The class begins at 9:30 a.m.

A woven handled tote will be made and is suggested for weavers with experience. The price for the class is $75 and includes all supplies and leather handles. The basket should take five hours to weave.

Make arrangements for payment within one week of registering. The class is for adults only and is limited to 15 participants. Snacks and beverages are welcome. The class is hosted by the Friends of the CCL.

Knitting Class

Suffering from the WINTER blahs? Join us on Saturday, February 1, 2025 at 10 a.m. for a Mug Rug knitting class. Class is limited to 10 knitters and all materials will be provided. The cost is $10 per person; make arrangements for payment when registering. Registration will begin Tuesday, January 2, at noon. This knitting class is for adults only and hosted by the Friends of the CCL.

Smartphone Basics

The second Tuesday of each month will bring adult education classes to the CCL. Tuesday, January 14, Bug Tussel University will host a class on Smartphone Basics in the RCU community room. The class is free and will cover very basic iPhone and Android models. If attending, call the library to register at 715-2232000. The session will run from 1-3 p.m. Bring your phone, phone login, and Apple or Google account credentials.

“New” Lists

“New” lists are available. Wondering what new books were added to the CCL collection in 2024? Pick up the list. We also have a list of movies purchased in 2024. Each year, Director Vicky Calmes compiles a list of favorite books in her “Best Reads” list. They are numbered from 40 down to number one (the favorite) with short blurbs to entice readers.

In addition to the new 2024 list, there are copies of past “Best Reads” lists dating back to 2009. Also, a booklet of all the titles read by the book clubs (since 2006), with member ratings, is printed and available.

Cheese Days Sale

The Friends of the CCL will be collecting items for the annual Cheese Days Book and Movie Sale. Bring clean, saleable books, DVDs, CDs, and puzzles to Forward Bank, Colby location, during regular business hours, beginning Thursday, January 2. Please note: No Reader’s Digest Condensed books, VHS movies, magazines, or items in dirty condition. Please remove any identifying names or stickers or price tags before donating. No books are being collected at the library. The Cheese Days Book and Movie Sale will be held July 17-18, 2025, at the Colby Lions Shelter.

Challenge Poker 2025

Occupation Poker begins Tuesday, January 2. Pick up forms for adult/teen challenges for books and movies. Check out books and movies at the CCL containing occupations and try to achieve the best poker hand (or hands) when turning in forms. Bring back as many completed forms by December 30, 2025 for chances to win Abby/Colby Chamber Gift Certificates for the best poker hands.

Book Clubs

Book clubs will meet on Tuesday, January 21 to discuss “12 Years a Slave” by Solomon Northup. The afternoon club meets at 1 p.m. and the evening club at 6 p.m. The afternoon discussion will be led by Patricia Sanders and all are welcome to join either group.

Craft and Hobby

Friday, January 17, will be Craft and Hobby night beginning at 4 p.m. Bring individual crafts to work on in the company of others. If you plan on attending, please let the library staff know. Snacks and beverages are welcome.

See CCL UPDATE/ Page 13 CCL Update

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Basket Weaving

“Let’s Start with Art” story time will resume on Friday, January 17, at 10 a.m. Come and join us for stories, songs, poems, and crafts. If you have not registered, there is still room available. A Winter-Spring 2025 story time schedule is available at the library, on Facebook, and the CCL’s website.

Winter Crafts

Visit the craft table in the library to pick up winter youth crafts to “Take and Make” at home. Craft kits are free. There are mind exercise sheets for adults.

Tax Forms

Wisconsin (paper) tax forms will be arriving sometime in late January and February for both Wisconsin and Federal taxes. Look for them in a special rack in the vestibule of the library. Computers are also available to print forms not supplied to libraries for a fee. Fax, scanner, and copying services are available for a charge. Please remember staff members are not tax consultants.

Winter Hours

Winter hours, through May 2025, are M/W/F from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. and TU/TH from noon- 7 p.m. The library will be closed on Saturdays and Sundays for the winter. Curbside service is always available during open hours; call the library at 715-223-2000 for assistance. Watch for any changes on the CCL website and Facebook page or in the Tribune-Phonograph.