City council minutes
Continued from Page 16
lows: Bidder - Contract 1 Bid - Rank - Contract 2 Bid - Rank Francis Melvin Inc. $617,211.13 - 1 - No Bid Switlick & Sons, Inc. $622,722.30 - 2 - $241,804.00 - 1 A-1 Excavating, Inc. $666,997.00 - 3 - $247,966.00 - 2 John S. Olynick, Inc. $682,731.20 - 4 - No Bid Haas Sons, Inc. - $689,923.99 - 5 - $257,459.80 - 3 Gerke Excavating, Inc. $796,923.99 - 6 - $331,244.85 - 4 Greg Knight moved, Peggy Kraschnewski seconded a motion to accept Ayres Associates, Inc’s (the City’s engineers) recommendation and award Contract 1 (Perkins Street) to Francis Melvin, Inc., the lowest responsible bidder, in an amount not-to-exceed $617,211.13, and Contract 2 (watermain bursting on South Whelen Avenue) to Switlick & Sons, Inc. in an amount not-toexceed $241,804.00. Roll Call Vote: Dave J. Brandner-Yes; Laura Holmes-Yes; Greg Knight-Yes; Peggy Kraschnewski-Yes; Christine Weix-Yes; Dave Roiger-Yes; Mike Bub-Yes; Clem Johnson-Yes (8 Yes; 0 No) Motion Carried.
Bid Award - 2020 Public Works Material & Equipment
Dave Roiger moved, Laura Holmes seconded a motion to award the Public Works material and equipment needs as follows: Successful Bidder - Material/ Equipment - Successful Bid Francis Melvin Company -Concrete 7-Bag Mix (4000 PSI or Greater) - $95.00 per cubic yard American Asphalt - Bituminous- Surface Coarse (Medford) - $71.49 per ton American Asphalt - Bituminous- Binder Coarse (Medford) - $66.67 per ton Jensen & Sons - Blacktop Patching (4” Prepared by City) $120.00 per ton Jensen & Sons - Blacktop Patching (4” Prepared by Contractor) - $150.00 per ton James Peterson, Inc. - ¾ inch Crushed Gravel - $9.62 per yard Mark Christianson - Screened Topsoil - $14.46 per cubic yard James Petersons, Inc. -Crushing Recycle Pile - $3.95 per ton Francis Melvin Company - ¾” Washed Rock - $15.25 per yard John Olynick Inc. - 1 ½” Washed Rock - $10.00 per yard Francis Melvin Company -Backhoe-Bucket Size @ ¼ cubic yard* - $115.00 per hour Francis Melvin Company -Backhoe-Bucket Size @ ¾ cubic yard* - $120.00 per hour Precision Dirtworks - Backhoe- Bucket Size @ 1.25 cubic yard* - $125.00 per hour Francis Melvin Company -Backhoe-Bucket Size @ 1.5 cubic yard* - $135.00 per hour Francis Melvin Company -Backhoe-Bucket Size @ 2.5 cubic yard* - $195.00 per hour Mark Christianson - Truck & Driver-Quad Axle* - $85.00 per hour Precision Dirtworks - Truck & Driver-Quad Axle* - $85.00 per hour Francis Melvin Company - Truck & Driver-Quad Axle* $92.00 per hour John Olynick, Inc. - Truck & Driver-Quad Axle* - $95.00 per hour Smola Transit LLC - Truck & Driver-Quad Axle* - $100.00 per hour Mark Christianson - Truck & Driver-Quad Axle-Winter* $95.00 per hour Precision Dirtworks - Truck & Driver -Quad Axle-Winter* $95.00 per hour Francis Melvin Company -Truck & Driver -Quad Axle-Winter* - $98.00 per hour Smola Transit LLC - Truck & Driver-Quad Axle-Winter* $115.00 per hour John Olynick Inc. - Truck & Driver-Quad Axle-Winter* $110.00 per hour Precision Dirtworks - Bulldozer - $100.00 per hour Lakes Asphalt - Crack Sealing - $1.21 per pound *The City accepts all backhoe and truck & driver bids.
Roll Call Vote: Dave J. Brandner-Yes; Laura Holmes-Yes; Greg Knight-Yes; Peggy Kraschnewski-Yes; Christine Weix-Yes; Dave Roiger-Yes; Mike Bub-Yes; Clem Johnson-Yes (8 Yes; 0 No) Motion Carried.
Bid Award - 2020 Street Striping Bids were solicited for 2020 street striping. The following bids were received: Crowley Construction $18,785.00 Farner - $29,500.00 Jensen & Son - $6,626.72 Lakes Asphalt Maintenance $6,652.00 Dave Brandner moved, Laura Holmes seconded a motion to accept the low bid submitted by Jensen & Son in an amount notto- exceed $6,626.72. Roll Call Vote: Dave J. Brandner-Yes; Laura Holmes-Yes; Greg Knight-Yes; Peggy Kraschnewski-Yes; Christine Weix-Yes; Dave Roiger-Yes; Mike Bub-Yes; Clem Johnson-Yes (8 Yes; 0 No) Motion Carried.
Bid Award - Wisconsin Avenue Repaving Project Bids were solicited for the 2020 Wisconsin Avenue repaving project. One bid was received. The bid was submitted by American Asphalt in an amount not-to-exceed $45,124.00. Funds for this project were allocated in the Construction Overlay account (#43-56320-36710).
Dave Brandner moved, Clem Johnson seconded a motion to accept the bid submitted by American Asphalt in an amount not-to-exceed $45,124.00 with funds for this project allocated from the Construction Overlay account (#43-56320-36710). Roll Call Vote: Dave J. Brandner- Yes; Laura Holmes-Yes; Greg Knight-Yes; Peggy Kraschnewski- Yes; Christine Weix-Yes; Dave Roiger-Yes; Mike Bub-Yes; Clem Johnson-Yes (8 Yes; 0 No) Motion Carried.
Pool Rental - Rib Lake School District Dave Roiger moved, Clem Johnson seconded a motion to approve the Rib Lake School District’s request to rent the City’s swimming pool from June 29 through July 3, 2020 and July 6 through 10, 2020 upon sufficient student interest (Monday-Friday from 8:45 AM to 11:15 AM) at a total cost of $4,313.80 or $431.38 per day. (The City will provide one manager, five lifeguards, and no locker room attendants. Rib Lake School District will provide the instructor.) Roll Call Vote: Dave J. Brandner-Yes; Laura Holmes-Yes; Greg Knight-Yes; Peggy Kraschnewski-Yes; Christine Weix-Yes; Dave Roiger-Yes; Mike Bub-Yes; Clem Johnson-Yes (8 Yes; 0 No) Motion Carried.
Issuance of Operator’s (Bartender’s) License(s) No applications for operator’s license have been submitted, thus there are no licenses to approve. No Action Taken.
Creation of an Assistant Police Chief Position & Funding for the Same As you are aware, President Donald Trump has declared a national health emergency. In order to stand ready, the Mayor is requesting that Council create an Assistant Police Chief position. The wage for this position would be the same as the current Police Chief’s wage. If approved, funding for this position could be allocated from the City’s Undesignated Unreserved fund. Current Police Chief Carey has indicated his willingness to assist law enforcement during this time of emergency. Should Council approve this position, the Police & Fire Commission would need to appoint Mr. Carey to the position.
Dave Roiger moved, Peggy Kraschnewski seconded a motion to approve the creation of an Assistant Police Chief position at the current Police Chief’s salary with monies for the position allocated from the City’s Undesignated Unreserved fund. Roll Call Vote: Dave J. Brandner-Yes; Laura Holmes-Yes; Greg Knight-Yes; Peggy Kraschnewski-Yes; Christine Weix-Yes; Dave Roiger-Yes; Mike Bub-Yes; Clem Johnson (8 Yes; 0 No) Motion Carried.
Proclamation of Local Emergency Both the State and Federal government have declared a State of Emergency due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Mayor Wellner is requesting the City also declare a local state of emergency. Pursuant to Wisconsin Statutes 323.11 and 323.14(4)(b), allows for a municipality to proclaim that emergency conditions exist, and if it is necessary and expedient for the health, safety, welfare and good order of the municipality. Declaring a local state of emergency, the City will be prepared to react quickly to changing circumstances and open necessary service in order to protect the community, co-workers, and families.
It will allow the Mayor to authorize emergency purchases of goods and materials, authorize emergency purchases of services, enter into intergovernmental agreements for necessary mutual aid, and authorize emergency costs to the labor force.
Greg Knight moved, Clem Johnson seconded a motion to approve a proclamation declaring a local state of emergency that allows the Mayor to authorize emergency purchases of goods and materials, authorize emergency purchases of services, enter into intergovernmental agreements for necessary mutual aid, and authorize emergency costs to the labor force. Roll Call Vote: Dave J. Brandner-Yes; Laura Holmes-Yes; Greg Knight-Yes; Peggy Kraschnewski- Yes; Christine Weix-Yes; Dave Roiger-Yes; Mike Bub-Yes; Clem Johnson-Yes (8 Yes; 0 No) Motion Carried.
Coordinator’s Report
The Coordinator’s report was as follows: (1) An update on the public works projects was given. (2) An update on the Electric Utility projects was given. (3) An update on the Wastewater Utility projects was given.
Communications from the Mayor
Upcoming Meeting Schedule - The upcoming meeting schedule was distributed. The following meetings have been canceled: (1) March 18, 2020 Medford Area Fire Commission meeting; (2) March 19 and 20, 2020 TDS Telecom information meetings; (3) March 20, 2020 Medford Area Development Foundation meeting. (4) March 23, 2020 Committee of the Whole; and the (5) March 25, 2020 Recreation Commission meeting.
Clem Johnson moved, Dave Brandner seconded a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:05 PM. All in favor: All Aye. Meeting Adjourned.
Respectfully Submitted, Virginia Brost City Clerk, WCPC/MMC (One ins. March 26)
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