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Show understanding to those who problem gamble

Show understanding to those who problem gamble Show understanding to those who problem gamble

The Wisconsin Council on Problem Gambling (WCPG), in partnership with the National Council on Problem Gambling (NCPG), is proud to recognize March as Problem Gambling Awareness Month (PGAM). This year’s theme, “Seeking Understanding,” focuses on increasing awareness of problem gambling as a serious, but often misunderstood, mental health condition.

The campaign seeks to foster greater awareness and empathy, break down barriers to treatment, and provide support for individuals and families impacted by gambling-related harm.

Problem gambling, defined as gambling behaviors that disrupt or damage personal, family or professional lives, affects millions of Americans. Nationally, approximately 2.5 million U.S. adults meet the criteria for a severe gambling problem, with an additional 5-8 million individuals experiencing mild to moderate gambling problems. Over 333,000 Wisconsin residents have a gambling problem.

The annual observance of Problem Gambling Awareness Month provides an essential platform for organizations across the country, to highlight the availability of resources that support problem gambling prevention, education, treatment and recovery.

Throughout March, the Wisconsin Council on Problem Gambling will host various activities, to educate the community and spark meaningful conversations around problem gambling.

Gambling disorders are often accompanied by substance abuse. Research shows that about 50 percent of all people with gambling disorders have had problems with alcohol or other drugs.”

For more information about problem gambling and how to increase awareness of problem gambling, visit ncpgambling. org or

If someone has a gambling problem, call or text 800-GAMBLER, or visit 1800gamblerchat. org. Help is available 24/7, 365 days a year – it is free and confidential.