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Continued from Front - Cornell City Council

Continued from Front

to the Finance Committee, prior to the April 3 meeting.

For sure, no one wants the display to go away, as it is such a huge event, even prompting others to stray away from fireworks July 4, in favor of a nearby date.

“We were kind of the pioneers on that,” said council president Steve Turany.

DeJongh also shared that Brightspeed has a plan to expand fiber access city-wide, which will give residents another option for those services. The city has a pole attachment agreement that is old, that was prepared for TDS, so the attorney is updating it for Brightspeed.

DeJongh will go over the new agreement with city supervisor Derek Braun, as he knows that many operate out of businesses and homes, through fiber internet access.

“That’s kind of the way the world is moving toward,” said DeJongh.

It was also mentioned that city signage on entrances to Cornell has to be updated, as the WisDOT says it’s not appropriate to restrict engine braking. State statutes say that municipalities can allow engine braking, but trucks must have engine braking mufflers.

“We’re going to have to revamp those signs and I guess the night parking restriction signs have to be modified, too,” said DeJongh.