Fun Thanksgiving games
If you’re looking for a festive way to spend time with your family over Thanksgiving, here are five fun games that will get everyone moving.
1. TURKEY TAG Transform clothespins into turkeys using feathers, googly eyes and other craft supplies, then clip them onto the back of each player’s shirt. When the game begins, try to unpin other players’ turkeys, without losing your own. The last person with a pin on their back wins.
2. SWEET POTATO RACE The first person to roll a sweet potato across the floor and over the finish line, wins. The catch is, you can only use a spoon to push it. Alternatively, see who can blow a feather across the room the fastest, using a turkey baster.
3. THANKSGIVING CHARADES On individual pieces of paper, write down holiday-themed phrases, such as marching in a parade, carving the turkey, setting the table, baking pumpkin pie and playing football. Take turns picking a phrase and silently acting it out, while other players try to guess.
4. GRATITUDE PICK-UP STICKS Use a multi-color set or make your own, by painting wooden skewers. Assign a category (person, place, food, thing) to each color. When a player picks up that color stick, they have to say something they’re thankful for in that category.
5. TURKEY WADDLE This is a great game to play outdoors. Each player holds a balloon between their legs and the first person to waddle across the finish line with their balloon still in place, wins. For larger groups, create teams and make it a relay race.
Additionally, you can search online for Thanksgiving trivia, riddles and jokes, to liven up your dinner table discussions.