NOTICE City of Cornell Minutes of Common Council Meeting Feb. 20, 2020 7 p.m. Mayor Judy Talbot called the regular council meeting to order at the City Council Chambers. The meeting opened with the pledge of allegiance and a moment of silence honoring all individuals who have, or are, protecting our freedom. Minutes taken by Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer DeJongh.
Council members present: Floyd Hickethier, Terry Smith, Aimee Korger, Ashley Carothers and Mark Larson. Absent: Steve Turany Guest present: Ginna Young Motion Korger, seconded Smith, to accept the agenda as printed. Carried 5 ayes, 1 absent.
Motion Hickethier, seconded Carothers, to approve the regular council meeting minutes of Feb. 6, 2020. Carried 5 ayes, 1 absent.
Hickethier reported on recent Police Commission meeting of Feb. 19, 2020. Commission met to discuss filling parttime police officer position openings. In the past few years, the department has experienced a major turnover in part-timers and the pool of applicants has decreased drastically. Moving forward, the commission took action to authorize the police chief to complete the selection process and fill future part-time openings. This authorization can be revoked by the commission at any time.
Chippewa County Health Department has lifted the uninhabitable placard at the residence at 113 N. 2nd St. Per council action April 22, 2019, the city agreed to prepare mortgage satisfactions releasing the CDBG home improvement loans. Motion Korger, seconded Carothers, to table action on the 2020 Fireworks. Carried 5 ayes, 1 absent.
Council received Timber Sale information that Mark Larson has worked on with Tumm Forestry, for next winter, cutting on city owned properties.
Motion Korger, seconded Larson, to approve bills totaling $394,349.23. Roll call vote carried 5 ayes, Turany absent.
Forthcoming Events:
• Gun Show is set for Feb. 22 and 23, 2020, at the HS. Spirit Club will do the concessions.
• American Legion’s 9 pin tap fundraiser at Schick’s Bowl & Brew – Feb 29, starting at 11 a.m.
• Knights of Columbus breakfast buffet at Holy Cross, 9:30 a.m. to noon, 2/23/20.
• Scout Pinewood Derby at the elementary school, Feb. 23, at 2 p.m.
• New Hope Assembly Church sledding and potluck party, 11:30 a.m., Feb. 23.
Motion Korger, seconded Hickethier, to adjourn. Carried 5 ayes, 1 absent.
Adjourned at 7:21 p.m. David DeJongh, administrator/ clerk-treasurer 86412 • wnaxlp NOTICE Town of Arthur Town Board Meeting Notice is hereby given that Tuesday, March 17, 2020, at 7 p.m., the regular town board meeting will be held at the Arthur Town Hall, 25091 Cty. Hwy. S, Cadott, WI 1. Call to order; 2. Roll call; 3. Public comment, set next board mtg. date; 4. Minutes, treasurer’s report, consent agenda; 5. Road report; 6. Business items, discussion and possible action: a.) Summer weight limits; b.) Road ditch cleanup; c.) Revised dog MOU; d.) Hall rental agreement; e.) BOR date; f.) Meeting outline/ PPT; g.) Election news; h.) Accounting programs- CT report; i.) Social Security letter update; j.) Audit books; k.) Agenda items for next meeting; l.) Correspondence and mail; m.) Pay bills as presented; 7. Adjournment Mary Sikora, clerk 83397_3 • wnaxlp NOTICE Matching Grant Availability Through the Chippewa County Stewardship Program Notice is hereby given, to all towns, villages, cities and nonprofit 501c(3) conservation organizations, of matching grant funds available through the Chippewa County Stewardship Program.
Matching grant funds must be used to acquire land, or conservation easements, for the purpose of farmland or natural resource protection, public trail and park acquisition, or expanded public hunting and fishing opportunities in Chippewa County. Public access is a requirement of all grant awards.
For information regarding the year 2020 grant criteria and application process, please contact the Chippewa County Dept. of Land Conservation and Forest Management at #715-726-7920.
Dated this 3rd day of March, 2020. Dan Masterpole, dept. director/county conservationist Chippewa County, Wis. 28495_4 • wnaxlp NOTICE OF PUBLIC TEST FOR CLEAR BALLOT CLEARCAST AND CLEARACCESS VOTING EQUIPMENT Notice is hereby given that the Public Test of the Clear Ballot Clear Cast and Clear Access voting equipment to be used in each town, village and city in Chippewa County, excluding the City of Eau Claire Wards 16, 40, 41 and 78, for the April 7, 2020, Spring Election for, Presidential Preference and Non-partisan Office and Referendum, will be conducted at the Chippewa County Courthouse, 711 N. Bridge Street, Room 001 and 003, Chippewa Falls, WI 54729 Tuesday, March 31, 2020, beginning at 9 a.m.
This test is open to the general public. Jaclyn J. Sadler, County clerk 84591_2 • wnaxlp