Loyal Legion Auxiliary holds monthly meeting
The November Loyal American Legion Auxiliary meeting was called to order by President Dawn Jacobson. Gladys Z. led the prayer. The Pledge of Allegiance and Preamble were recited.
Secretary’s and treasurer’s reports were read and approved The Sunshine Report was given by Carol B. Sympathy cards were sent to Harold Collinson, Sue and Terry Sticka (Margaret Artz) and Kris Schultz. A get-well card went out to Shirley Mondloch.
Correspondence: Thank you card from Margaret Artz family and a donation of $500. Carol B. will send a thank you.
Standing rule change: If an active member loses their magnetic button, it will be replaced for free. Families of deceased members may choose a charity for a $20 donation to be sent by the Auxiliary to that charity.
Steak feed helpers for December are Brooke P., Jodi L. and Norma W. November fish fry helpers were Julie P. and Norma W. Pancake breakfast helpers were Shirley O,. Barb L., Norma W. and Dawn J. Dawn thanked everyone for all their help the past month.
New Business: Donations for deployed soldiers etc. and the Chippewa Veterans are being accepted at this time. Deadline is Dec. 1.
The group welcomed a new member, Patty Oldham.
Badger Girls State will be virtual for 2021.
The Historical Society will be hosting “Home for Christmas” on Dec. 6 from 4-6 p.m. They will have five trees (no individual). The trees will be lit at this time. For a $10 donation your loved one’s name will be read at the ceremony. A motion was made by Julie P. and seconded by Norma W. to donate $100 to the Historical Society. The Auxiliary will be decorating the Legion on Dec. 6 before the “Home for Christmas” ceremony.
The next meeting will be pot luck on Dec. 8 after the meeting.
Barb L. won the drawing.
Gladys Z. led a closing prayer for peace.
Submitted by: Secretary Kris Schultz