Colby middle school concept to be explored
A new advisory committee will be formed to study the middle school concept in the Colby School District, and the group will first define its mission and goals moving on to explore the curriculum.
That was one of consensus reached Tuesday by the School Board’s Building and Grounds Committee with administrators and a couple members of the Facility Use Committee.
Keith Heling, junior high school principal, agreed to take over the reins of the new advisory committee, which will include some members of the former Facility Use Committee and others. Heling said it was vital to have members from among parents and teachers, particularly those who would teach in the middle school. Parent involvement will come through support groups formed at each elementary school, and other interested people should call Heling.
He said the group’s first task will be to create a mission statement and goal, and members will heed High School Principal John Hocking’s suggestion: “Build the education philosophy of a middle school first, and then work out a curriculum geared to that philosophy. Then get a facility to meet those curriculum needs, rather than try to fit a curriculum into an existing building.”
A wide range of resources on the subject is available, said Heling and Erv LaFave, the district’s elementary coordinator.
Turkey chase at Colby
A turkey chase, sponsored by the Colby Chamber of Commerce, will be held Saturday afternoon, November 15, in the First Street area.
Live turkeys will be released in a pen caught by the contestants.
Free entry tickets will be given, starting at 1:30 p.m. at the parking lot north of Kiddie Korral park in Colby, and east of the Colby Gambles Store.
Entry into the pen will be allowed on the basis of the numbers on the tickets, in the order issued. All who appear will be given a chance at catching a turkey.
No more tickets will be given out after the event starts at 2 p.m., so everyone interested in trying is asked to be there early.
Contestants must be at least 15 years or older, with no upper age limit set. Both adults and students are encouraged to enter.
In other rules, the chamber of commerce specifies that turkeys must be caught by the legs. No mechanical devices will be allowed. There is also a limit of one turkey per family.
Neither the Colby Chamber of Commerce nor the city of Colby is responsible for any injuries.
Average weight of the birds is about 15 pounds.
Free turkeys for Thanksgiving
Merchants in Abbotsford will be giving away free turkeys at drawings on November 24.
Registration, which began this week, is now under way for the free drawings. Everyone is welcome to register.