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Continued from Page 20 to approve the issuance of a Class B beer/liquor license to the Brass Rail Pub LLC, Gloria Frahm, agent, for the period beginning October 27, 2020 and ending June 30, 2021 for the premise located at 507 South Eighth Street. All in favor: Aye. Motion Carried.

Issuance of a Refuse/Recycling Hauler’s Licenses to GFL Solid Waste Management LLC Clem Johnson moved, Greg Knight seconded a motion to approve the issuance of refuse/ recycling haulers licenses to GFL Environmental Inc. for its Medford and Chippewa Falls facilities retroactive to October 1, 2020 contingent upon the following: (1) Receipt of their State licenses, and (2) Completion of the sales transaction. All in favor: All Aye. Motion Carried.

Issuance of a Private Well Permit Clem Johnson moved, Laura Holmes seconded a motion to approve the issuance of a two-year private well permit to Wayne Kautzer for the premise located at 715 West Allman Street beginning October 27, 2020toOctober26,2022. All in favor: All Aye. Motion Carried.

State/Municipal Maintenance Agreement Including Financial Agreement - Highway 13 from CTH O to Taylor Street & Funding for the Same Greg Knight moved, Dave Roiger seconded a motion to approve the State/Municipal maintenance agreement including the financial agreement for the Highway 13 from CTH O to Taylor Street Project tentatively scheduled for calendar year 2024 with City’s estimate cost of $15,000 for utility work and possible additional constructions costs with the monies allocated in 2024 Road Overlays account (#43-56320-35710). Roll Call Vote: Dave J. Brandner-Yes; Laura Holmes-Yes; Greg Knight-Yes; Tim Hansen-Yes; Christine Weix-Yes; Dave Roiger-Yes; Mike Bub-Yes; Clem Johnson- Yes (8 Yes; 0 No) Motion Carried.

Issuance of Operator’s (Bartender’s) License(s) Dave Roiger moved, Christine Weix seconded a motion to approve the issuance of a regular operator’s licenses for the period beginning October 27, 2020 and ending June 30, 2021 to Shantel Faude. All in favor: All Aye. Motion Carried.

Easement Purchase Agreement & Utility Agreement with Todd & Colleen Waldhart The City has been negotiating with Todd & Colleen Waldhart for a permanent and temporary construction agreement as part of Phase II of the Eastside Interceptor project. This easement will allow the City to continue the sanitary sewer through the Waldharts’ property. The permanent easement and right-ofway will allow the City to construct, reconstruct, maintain, operate, repair, and replace public utilities on the Waldharts’ property. The temporary construction easement will allow the City to use a portion of the Waldharts’ property for the purpose of transporting equipment and materials in connection with the construction and/or installation of improvements within the permanent easement property. The Waldharts has agreed to both easements at a cost notexceed $1,125.00. The monies for this easement will be allocated from the Tax Increment Finance District #13 Budget. It is City Coordinator Harris’ recommendation that the City approve the easement purchase agreement and utility agreement with Todd & Colleen Waldhart as a part of Phase II of the Eastside Interceptor project at a cost notto- exceed $1,125.00 with the monies allocated from the Tax Increment Finance District #13 Budget.

Dave Roiger moved, Clem Johnson seconded a motion to approve the easement purchase agreement and utility agreement with Todd & Colleen Waldhart as a part of Phase II of the Eastside Interceptor project at a cost notto- exceed $1,125.00 with the monies allocated from the Tax Increment Finance District #13 Budget. Roll Call Vote: Dave J. Brandner-Abstained; Laura Holmes-Yes; Greg Knight-Yes; Christine Weix-Yes; Mike Roiger-Yes; Mike Bub-Yes; Clem Johnson-Yes (7 Yes; 0 No; 1 Abstained) Motion Carried.

Coordinator’s Report

The Coordinator’s report was as follows: (1) An update on the Public Works projects was given. (2) An update on the Electric Utility projects was given. (3) An update on the Wastewater Utility projects was given.

Communications from the Mayor

Upcoming Meeting Schedule

- The upcoming meeting schedule was distributed.

Adjourn to Committee of the Whole

Laura Holmes moved, Clem Johnson seconded a motion to adjourn the Special Council meeting to the Committee of the Whole meeting at 6:18 PM. All in favor: All Aye. Motion Carried.

Meeting Adjourned to Committee of the Whole.

Respectfully Submitted,

Virginia Brost City Clerk, WCPC/MMC

(One ins. November 5, 2020)

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