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Greenwood museum committee meets

A Sept. 23 meeting of the Greenwood Museum Committee was called to order by Chairperson Pat Lindner. Committee members present were Pat Lindner, Kay Landini, Steve Hemersbach, Jeff Block, Diane Wildish and Kurt Humke.

The treasurer’s report was handed out for review. There were questions on some of the items, but the report was accepted as printed.

The group discussed the fundraiser that was held on Sept. 12 at the museum. The committee thanked Tony and Mary Delfatti for donation and preparation of the Texas brisket and pulled pork. Lindner estimated there were 80-100 people in attendance. Hemersbach gave a list of suggestions for next year for better efficiency.

Lindner reported that there are some donations for the museum from City Hall, including two benches and some old flags. Roger Standiford has also offered to donate his former insurance agency sign. Wildish reported that the Joan Christie family would like to donate a 100-year-old buggy. The committee will look at the buggy to see if the museum has space for it. Landini suggested that the committee keep some of the COVID-19 information and masks to document this historic period in time.

The group discussed plans for the usual Christmas open house. Any decision on the plans was tabled for now.

The group also discussed other plans for the coming year. Possible topics/guests would be Jeff Trunkel and the railroad history of the county, Kris Leonhardt with stories of the Krueger House, and the Hemlock community, which is part of the “Ghost Towns of Clark County.”