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Since I made my trip ….

Since I made my trip …. Since I made my trip ….

Since I made my trip through the countryside a week ago, I believe the corn has grown a foot. This week a field out in the country was tasseling out and the corn that was just starting to tassel last week now had ears and silk forming. The few oat fields I see on my circle have started turning or getting ready too soon. Even my tomato plants, in my sit down garden, are producing lots of leaves and some stocks are hanging with green tomatoes. My Brown-Eyed Susans are starting to bloom and even some out along the rural roads are coming into bloom.


Last week I talked about my trip to the emergency ward at the clinic and then returning on Friday for a check up. Which was good news I must say. Then the unbelieveable happened. The doctor who saw me for my follow up exam scheduled a return trip for me. He claimed he wanted to drain some fluid off my lungs. I’d never heard of that procedure and assumed he just wanted to have something for me to write about. Naturally, not knowing what was coming up, I had a couple of days to stew about it. The same with the kids as there was some discussion about whether I should do it or not with the threat of the virus hanging over our heads. It sure didn’t make the stewing any easier. So Wednesday came and my favorite son came down and drove me in. They were very good to explain everything that would happen and I would be going home in a couple of hours. I can’t tell you what they did, as the doctor did everything behind my back. Meanwhile I was quite comfortable sitting on the side of the bed with my head resting on a pillow on the table they provided. It was almost painless as first he injected some pain killer like he might be getting ready to pull a tooth and then he said he would insert a small tube. Out the fluid came and it must have been a lot as that is how Mark described it. Next, I was heading to ex-ray and then the recovery room where they were kind enough to bring me some chicken soup and a glass of cranberry juice. That was to make up for the breakfast they made me skip, so it sure tasted good.


Now if there was a down side to the whole procedure, it involved my face mask. I went prepared, taking the one they gave me last week. Just as I started to put it on, it fell apart. That was no problem, as the lady checking us in provided me with a brand new one. A homemade job. I never looked at it, but when I was being wheeled to the ex-ray room, one of the nurses remarked about it. When I heard what it was I told them, but I’m not a Brewer fan, didn’t they have a Twins mask? Now that I’m in my second day of recovery I can tell you the whole procedure was a huge success. While I might still have some shortness of breath, it is a world of difference. And I should be ready for my next adventure whatever and whenever it comes.


A major controversy has developed over the requirement for wearing a face mask. I guess the only reason I don’t always wear one is that I’m a bit lazy. I look at it like locking my car doors. In Loyal I never lock them, but if I go anywhere else that is the last thing I do when parking. One morning, when I turned on the television, they were in the midst of a discussion on it. The speaker was supportive of it and had a wide variety of face masks being used today. Of course we all understand our doctors, dentists and other health people using them, but then how about the other areas of employment? Many painters use them and people who are working with toxic material as well as fine dust. It is to protect our health, so let’s not make it a political statement to go without.


Thanks to the pandemic virus, a lot of community activities have been cancelled, or are about to be. But in Loyal, we have some forward-looking people who are busy on a project which will hopefully happen next year. That’s the Splash Pad being planned for the Westside Community Park. When I first heard about it last winter I had to wonder what it was all about? Thanks to my next door neighbor, Kaila Fitzl, I got a quick run down and was impressed with the idea and the enthusiasm being raised over it. I guess if there is one great story about the plan is the place to put it. In the Loyal Westside Community Park. It has been a few years since the park was developed. First, as a partner to a Clark County Day Use Park built by the Clark County Forestry and Parks Department. The county developed the southern half of the park, which includes the playground, picnic shelter and a parking lot. Then the city developed the north half with a softball field, concession stand, parking lot and rest rooms. I remember the time well. It wasn’t really a city project to begin with, but more of a community project. I say that as I remember the number of people from the rural area that came in to help, many bringing their tractors and other equipment to get it done. Then came something called a “naming contest”. With another new park being developed behind the American Legion and its pond, the Lions got involved by building a new shelter. So we had a conflict of names and someone came up with the idea of a “name the park” contest. I had no argument that it was the East Side Park, and I think it was the kids who named the “Purple Park” because of all the purple playground equipment. But when I heard the name “West Side” Park I had to complain. I don’t think I was the only one who claimed it needed to still be called the “Community Park” as it was truly a community effort. Our voices must have been heard as they finally settled on the name “Westside Community Park”. Now with the new Splash Pad coming and seeing the wide community and area support it is indeed very fitting.


If you are planning ahead, I can tell you I saw the new 2021 calendars in a store last week. Nothing like getting an early start.