Graduation ceremony tentatively set for August

Lake Holcombe School Board
The 2020 Lake Holcombe graduation ceremony was set for May 16, but with schools closed because of the COVID- 19 pandemic, the day celebrating senior students did not happen. As of a regular Lake Holcombe School Board meeting May 18, the health department has recommended that schools not attempt an in-person ceremony until at least July, with no gatherings larger than 10 people.
“Anything we would do besides virtually, would require all participants to wear masks,” said superintendent Kurt Lindau. “So, I think at this point…we’ll wait and see how things unfold.”
After a survey taken of the seniors, an Aug. 1 ceremony is tentatively scheduled, but in the meantime, the school is working on a number of things to celebrate the Class of 2020.
Lindau also said that an on-site summer school will hopefully take place for three weeks in August, and that guidance has been issued to schools on how to reopen in the fall.
“We’re kind of continuing with our plan of work as if the Safer at Home order still exists…schools are still ordered to remain closed through June 30,” said Lindau.
Lindau said schools are in “no man’s land” right now, but that the Chippewa County Health Department is working on guidance to drive local decision-making.
For now, the custodial staff is working hard to clean and disinfect the entire school, and may get to some projects they hadn’t planned, with the lack of activity in the school.
“We probably won’t hire a painter or a lawn mower this summer, like we had in the past,” said Lindau. “We’ll just work to keep our custodial staff busy with their plan of work.”
The last official school day is June 4, and students can begin to wrap up their studies. The meal delivery service will also end at that time.
Lindau mentioned that he and principal Mark Porter recently sat down, and talked over the 2019-20 school year.
“Both of us felt like we accomplished a lot, before things moved in a new direction,” said Lindau. “[We] look forward to getting back to normal next year, and picking up where we left off, with what we were completing.”
During the meeting, the 2020-21 nursing contract with the Cadott School District was approved, where Lake Holcombe receives the services of school nurse Jessica Hager, for one day a week (144 hours) during the school year. Lake Holcombe will pay her daily rate of pay ($444.72), times the number of days contracted (18).
Members also accepted $2,000 from Marshfield Clinic, to the guidance department for COVID-19 community support; $50 from Blue Diamond Dental, for the hygiene program; and $150 from the Holcombe United Methodist Church, to the after-school program.
“Anything yet for new hires?” asked clerk Jeff Anders.
Lindau said he is hoping a kitchen assistant will be hired by the June meeting.
“We still need some coaches,” said Lindau.