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Rehab started for existing waste disposal site

Lake Holcombe Town Board

In order to provide an important service for residents, the Lake Holcombe Town Board is in the middle of rehabilitating the existing lawn disposal site, after the DNR declared the area in violation of their regulations. At a regular board meeting May 14, chairman Brian Guthman reported what has taken place so far.

“The process is quite complicated,” said Guthman.

As part of the rehab, the town had to get everyone who lives within a quarter mile radius of the site, to sign off on using the property as a disposal point. The town collected 21 signatures, with one more to acquire.

They also had to measure to ensure there is a distance of 250 feet from the dumping site to the creek near the site, as well as 200 feet from anything that could be flammable. Guthman says they will probably have to take some trees down around the area to make room and move materials to a different spot.

A green area will also need to be planted to fill in the distance to the creek. Once the work is done, the town has to submit their plan and improvements to the DNR, who will inspect the area. The application costs $550 and if the plan is not approved, the town will be given a chance to make changes. However, they would need to pay an additional $550. “So, hopefully, we get everything done right the first time,” said Guthman.

The decision to attempt a rehab of the existing site, makes sense, as Guthman said anywhere the board tried to install a site, would also be under stringent regulations, with a lot of work and cost involved.

“I’m not positive it’s going to work,” said Guthman of work on the current site, “but that’s the best thing we can do at this point.”

Something that has been settled, is a memorandum of understanding between the board and the Lake Holcombe Improvement Association (LHIA). With the nod from the board, the LHIA will begin the process of installing a welcome sign at the north end of town, when entering Holcombe from State Hwy. 27, heading south.

The new sign is a sister companion to the existing sign at the south end of the town limits. With the understanding, the town will apply to the WisDOT for the sign to be placed.

After approval is received, the LHIA will follow through with excavation of the site and installation. The town will allow the association to reimburse the town for electricity to the sign on a yearly basis, with a mid-summer estimate for installation.

“The town will own that sign, though,” said Guthman. “They’ll (LHIA) maintain it.”

Guthman also reported on the handicapped dock at the Wayside Beach, stating the reason the dock was cordoned off, was because of a safety hazard, with the posts in bad shape and needing repairs.

Guthman also asked that the sea wall at the beach be looked at, as it is in bad shape. Originally, the wall was installed to keep the sand from washing out.

“I think we just take the thing out,” said Guthman. “It’s an accident waiting to happen.”

“The stairs are completely shot,” agreed town roadman Ben Jordan.

Members also discussed opening the Wayside pavilion, which had remained closed in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. With the Safer at Home order overturned and restrictions loosened, Guthman said he thought they could open the park, as long as picnic tables were properly distanced.

As for whether new restrictions would be put in place, Guthman said only time will tell what will happen.

“It’s either going to get worse or it’s going to get better,” he said.