Wisconsin reopens with overturn of Safer at Home order
With the Wisconsin Supreme Court’s ruling invalidating the Safer at Home order May 13, local public health departments across the state were forced to create a patchwork of orders and recommendations to continue to keep the public safe. Though Safer at Home is no longer in place, the COVID- 19 virus is still present in the Chippewa County community, and poses a serious threat to public health.
The Chippewa County Department of Public Health is issuing the following guidance to protect the health and safety of the public:
• All individuals present within Chippewa County, are strongly encouraged to stay at home or at their place of residence, minimize travel out of the county and keep the circle of connections minimal to decrease the spread of disease.
• When outside of the home or residence, individuals should maintain physical distancing of at least six feet from any person, except for those who live in the household unit.
• Businesses should, at minimum, follow the reopening guidance put forward by the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation.
• To the extent feasible, people should continue to use technology to avoid meeting in person, including virtual meetings, teleconference and remote work.
• Businesses should adopt policies to actively screen and prevent workers from entering the premises if they display COVID-19-like symptoms or have had contact with a person with a confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19.
• They should also adopt policies to actively screen and prevent customers, visitors and guests from entering the premises, if they display respiratory symptoms or have had contact with a person with a confirmed diagnosis of COVID- 19.
• It is not recommended to gather with more than 10 people.
• People who are vulnerable and at higher risk of severe complications of COVID-19, should stay home whenever possible. This includes, but is not limited to, people over the age of 65, people who live in nursing homes or long-term care facilities, and individuals with underlying health conditions or who have compromised immune systems.
All residents are strongly encouraged to follow disease prevention guidelines; wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, as frequently as possible, or use hand sanitizer; covering coughs or sneezes (into the sleeve or elbow, not hands); regularly clean high-touch surfaces and not shaking hands.
Guidelines for reopening can be found at wedc.org.