Superintendent’s Corner

District Administrator Mike Endreas
2020 memorable in more ways than one!
Many times when I sit down to write the endof- year article I often try to come up with creative ways to wrap up the year and think long and hard about what to include. Not really the case this year. Simply put, the 2019-20 school year was anything but normal.
One would assume right off that this has to be the worst school year I have seen in my 20-plus-year career. I can definitely argue that it has actually been the most successful school year for the Spencer School District in my time here. Why: 1. We were faced with an unprecedented problem of a world-wide pandemic and handled it seamlessly. Our staff was prepared, hit the floor running, and met the virtual needs of our students immediately. I am proud to say we were the benchmark of the area schools to follow. Educators are not geared to sing their own praises, but in this case I can easily make an exception.
2. Through a very difficult time, we had 72 seniors meet the requirements to earn a diploma from the School District of Spencer. Academics is always our top priority, but the life lessons learned for the Class of 2020 are just as important. A group of kids who have missed out on what many feel is the best time of their life have learned to cope with a difficult time. I am impressed with their resiliency and attitude through this process. I know this group will go on to bigger and better things and make a positive impact on the world, making their Rocket Family proud. We hope to honor them in a formal ceremony on Aug. 1, 2020.
3. The School District of Spencer received a FEMA grant allocation in the amount of 2.9 million dollars! The waiting game is over and we will be moving full steam ahead in our referendum project with the timeline of breaking ground in mid to late summer 2020 with an anticipated move-in date of September 2021.
4. I have lived in Spencer for almost all of my life. I have always been proud of how the residents of Spencer have cared for and taken care of each other. The outpouring of support for our kids and our community is the cherry on top of all the successes we have had this year.
In closing, I just want to thank all the faculty and staff of the School District of Spencer that played roles in making this the self proclaimed “Best School year EVER!” in the history of Spencer. True personality and character comes out in a time of crisis and after experiencing the year we had I am certain there is nothing we can’t handle.
“It’s a great day to be a Spencer Rocket!”