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Says destroying economy is too high a price to address COVID-19 pandemic concerns

Vox Pop

There have been lockdowns in most countries except Sweden, where precautions were taken to prevent spreading COVID-19. (They didn’t shut down their economy.) The global economy could shrink by 3% in 2020, marking the biggest downturn since the Great Depression. Across South Asia tens of millions are already “struggling to put food on the table,” The UN World Food Programme states that more than 260 million people will face starvation -- double last year’s figures. If global Gross Domestic Product (GDP) declines by 5%, another 147 million people could be plunged into extreme poverty. (International Food Policy Research Institute.) All this because of the lockdowns, not the virus.

However, the media continues it’s biased “reporting.”

“More than one million COVID-19 cases in the U.S.!” was big news, increasing media ratings by not putting figures in context. (This is 0.3 % of the population.) They don’t say how many have recovered, or don’t have symptoms. Each COVID-19 death is tragic, but are just over .0002 % of our population.

Twitter removed retweets of a Project Veritas video detailing how coronavirus death numbers were being padded, labeling people as such even though they never tested positive.

The state of Colorado changed physicians’ determinations to COVID-19 at a Denver nursing home. The Pennsylvania health department was forced to revise their COVID-19 deaths down by 200 after coroners produced different numbers. Even people on hospice have been listed as COVID-19.

The lockdowns have politicians forcibly preventing everyone they don’t deem as “essential” from working, giving us the worst economy since the Great Depression. People and businesses are suffering. Democrats have been looking for ways to shut down our economy for over two years just to hurt President Trump. Many Democrat governors are now keeping their states shut down, destroying their economies. COVID-19 is dangerous, but the lockdown may become more catastrophic than the coronavirus — Tim Kapfhamer, Colby