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City council minutes

City of Medford Common Council Public Hearing & Meeting Minutes Tuesday, April 21, 2020 6:00 PM Council Chambers, City Hall 639 South Second Street Medford, WI {Subject to Council Approval} Call to Order/Roll Call Mayor Mike Wellner called the meeting to order with the following members present: Dave J. Brandner, Laura Holmes, Greg Knight, Tim Hansen, Christine Weix, Dave Roiger, Mike Bub, and Clem Johnson.

Pledge of Allegiance

Alderperson Brandner began the meeting by leading the group in the reciting of the “Pledge of Allegiance”.

Open Meeting Law Compliance Mayor Wellner announced that this was an open meeting of the Common Council. Notice of this meeting was given to the public at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting by forwarding the complete agenda to the official City newspaper, The Star News, and to all news media that have requested the same as well as posting. Copies of the complete agenda were available for inspection at the City Clerk’s Office. Anyone desiring information as to forthcoming meetings should contact the City Clerk’s Office.

City Personnel Present

The following City personnel were present: City Clerk Ginny Brost, Coordinator/Public Works Director John Fales, and Street & Water Superintendent Joe Harris.

Visitors Present

Visitor present was Brian Wilson- Star News.

Clerk’s Certification of Elected Officials

Mayor Wellner recognized City Clerk Brost who certified that all newly elected officials: Mayor Michael Wellner, First Aldermanic District (Wards 1 & 2) Alderperson Dave J. Brandner, Second Aldermanic District (Wards 3 & 4) Alderperson Tim Hansen, Third Aldermanic District Alderperson (Wards 5 & 6) Christine Weix, and Fourth Aldermanic District Alderperson (Wards 7 & 8) Clem Johnson are eligible to serve in the offices to which they were elected, and have been properly sworn into those positions.

Citizens & Delegations Comments No citizens or delegations addressed the Council.

Adjourn to Public Hearing

Laura Holmes moved, Clem Johnson seconded a motion to adjourn to the public hearing at 6:02 PM to consider the City’s intention to exercise its police power in accordance with Wisconsin Statute §66.0701 & 66.0703, to levy special assessments upon all property abutting upon both sides of East Perkins Street starting approximately 170 feet west of its intersection with South Eighth Street to approximately 150 feet west of its intersection with South Fourth Street. The total project will be approximately about 1,300 feet in length. The public improvements will consist of storm sewer bituminous surfacing, curb & gutter, water main, sanitary sewer, driveway aprons, landscaping, temporary landscaping easements, and engineering. All in favor: All Aye. Motion Carried.

Meeting Adjourned to Public Hearing.

Public Hearing

The purpose of this public hearing is to consider the City’s intent to exercise its police power in accordance with Wisconsin Statute §66.0701 & 66.0703, to levy special assessments upon all property abutting upon both sides of East Perkins Street starting approximately 170 feet west of its intersection with South Eighth Street to approximately 150 feet west of its intersection with South Fourth Street. The total project will be approximately about 1,300 feet in length. The public improvements will consist of storm sewer bituminous surfacing, curb & gutter, water main, sanitary sewer, driveway aprons, landscaping, temporary landscaping easements, and engineering.

No public was present.

Adjourn Public Hearing & Reconvene Council Meeting Dave J. Brandner moved, Dave Roiger seconded a motion to adjourn the public hearing and reconvene the Council meeting at 6:05 PM. All in favor: All Aye. Motion Carried. Public Hearing Adjourned.

Council Meeting Approval of Minutes

Greg Knight moved, Laura Holmes seconded a motion to approve the March 17, 2020 Council meeting minutes as presented, and to place the same on file in the Clerk’s Office. All in favor: All Aye. Motion Carried.

Local Depositories

The City of Medford is required under Wisconsin Statutes to designate its local depositories at its annual re-organizational meeting. This is done in order to allow the City to legally solicit funding bids from, and deposit municipal funds into the designated financial institutions.

It is recommended that the City designate the following financial institutions: Institution, Address, City, State Zip Abby Bank, 401 Spruce Street, Abbotsford, WI 54405 Abby Bank, 215 South Eighth Street, Medford, WI 54451 Associated Bank, 160 Medford Plaza, Medford, WI 54451 DMB Community Bank, 321 North Main Street, De Forest, WI 53532 Forward Financial Bank, 721 South Eighth Street, Medford, WI 54451 Nicolet National Bank, 134 South Eighth Street, Medford, WI 54451 Prevail Bank, 675 West Broadway Avenue, Medford, WI 54451 Taylor Credit Union, 825 East Allman Street, Medford, WI 54451 TD Bank, N.A., 4075 Sorrento Valley Blvd., San Diego, CA 92121 TD Bank USA, N.A., 4075 Sorrento Valley Blvd., San Diego, CA 92121 Greg Knight moved, Christine Weix seconded a motion to approve the designation of the above list of financial institutions as the official depositories for the City. Roll Call Vote: Dave J. Brandner-Yes; Laura Holmes-Yes; Greg Knight-Yes; Tim Hansen- Yes; Christine Weix-Yes; Dave Roiger-Yes; Mike Bub-Yes; Clem Johnson-Yes (8 Yes; 0 No) Motion Carried.

Local Publication

The City of Medford is required under Wisconsin Statutes to designate a local publication at its annual re-organizational meeting. It is recommended that the City designate The Star News as its local publication.

Clem Johnson moved, Dave Roiger seconded a motion to approve The Star News as the City’s official publication. Roll Call Vote: Dave J. Brandner-Yes; Laura Holmes-Yes; Greg Knight-Yes; Tim Hansen-Yes; Christine Weix-Yes; Dave Roiger-Yes; Mike Bub-Yes; Clem Johnson-Yes (8 Yes; 0 No) Motion Carried.

Council Election - Council President Mayor Wellner opened the floor for nominations for Council President.

Laura Holmes moved, Dave J. Brandner seconded a motion to nominate Alderperson Greg Knight to serve as Council President. Dave Roiger moved, Clem Johnson seconded a motion to nominate Mike Bub to serve as Council President. A secret ballot was held with Alderperson Bub receiving four votes and Alderperson Greg Knight receiving four ballots. Mayor Wellner then had each candidate address the Council on why they should be Council President. Following the presentation, a second secret ballot was held with Alderperson Bub receiving five votes and Alderperson Knight receiving three votes. Alderperson Bub, by majority vote, was elected to serve as the Council President for a one-year term.

Council Election - Plan Commission Appointment Mayor Wellner opened the floor for nominations for the Council representative on Plan Commission.

Laura Holmes moved, Dave J. Brandner seconded a motion to nominate Alderperson Clem Johnson to serve as the Council representative on the Plan Commission. Mike Bub moved, Dave Roiger seconded a motion to nominate Alderperson Tim Hansen to serve as the Council representative on the Plan Commission. A secret ballot was held with Alderperson Tim Hansen receiving five votes and Alderperson Clem Johnson receive three votes. Alderperson Hansen, by majority vote, was elected to serve as the Council representative on the Plan Commission for a one-year term.

Council Election - Revolving Loan Fund Review Board Mayor Wellner opened the floor for nominations for a Council member to serve on the Revolving Loan Fund Review Board.

Dave J. Brandner moved, Laura Holmes seconded a motion to nominate Alderperson Mike Bub to serve as the Council’s representative to the Revolving Loan Fund Review Board. Dave Roiger moved, Christine Weix seconded a motion to close nominations and cast a unanimous ballot for Alderperson Mike Bub to serve as the Council’s representative to the Revolving Loan Fund Review Board. Roll Call Vote: Dave J. Brandner-Yes; Laura Holmes-Yes; Greg Knight-Yes;