Notes from the Principal

by Granton School District Principal Amanda Kraus
Granton students and families: I want to start with letting you know how much we have missed seeing your faces in the building. Though we have continued to educate you via Google Classrooms, being able to connect with you in the building on an everyday basis has truly been missed by all staff members here at Granton.
We have recently concluded our second week of online education. Hopefully you are finding a groove and getting used to this new form of teaching/learning. Monday mornings by 10 a.m., your child(s) weekly assignments will be sent out via a Google Classroom announcement. Your child can then find time throughout the week that works best for them to complete these. As we continue on in this process do not hesitate to reach out to your teachers and myself for guidance. We are here to help you through and make this as easy as possible.
The Granton Area School District will continue to off e r breakfast/lunch services. This is available for any student/ family. If you have not previously enrolled, please call the Granton Area School District Elementary Office and they can coordinate this service for you (715-238-7175).
If there is any way that the school district can help, please do not hesitate to e-mail/call. We truly are a family and know how important student learning is. We also know that you need to take some time for yourselves as well. Get outside, enjoy some time with your family, catch up on some reading and above all know that we are here for you.
Amanda Kraus