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Local free throw contest winners announced

Local free throw contest winners announced Local free throw contest winners announced

Twelve boys and girls ages 9-14 were named local champions of the 2020 Medford Knights of Columbus Free Throw Championship. Medford Council 1744 sponsored the local competition and 103 boys and girls took part, according to contest coordinator Robert Plawski.

Camryn Alexander was the 9-year-old girls champion and Ace Arndt was the winner in the 9-year-old boys division. In the 10-year-old bracket, Leah Faude was the girls champion and Will Wojcik was the boys champion. The 11-year-old winner for the girls was Rylee Hraby and Jordan Olson was the boys winner. The 12-year-old girls division was won by Zoe Lukewich, while Sam Hierlmeier was the boys champion.

Rachel Wesle was the girls champion and Tanner Hraby was the boys champion among 13-year-olds. The 14-year-old champions were Colby Bergman and Nick Steliga.

Each contestant was allowed 15 free throw attempts in the contest and ties were settled by successive rounds of five free throws per contestant until a winner emerged. The local winners competed in district level competition in which each contestant was allowed 25 free throw attempts with ties being settled by successive round of five free throws per contestant until a winner emerged. Faude, Rylee Hraby, Bergman, Arndt, Wojcik, Hierlmeier, Tanner Hraby and Steliga won district level competition, outshooting competitors from Gilman and Phillips in their respective age brackets. These individuals will be advancing to the regional level at Ladysmith on March 14.

The Knights of Columbus Free Throw Championship is sponsored annually with local winners progressing through district, regional and state levels. International champions are determined based on scores at the state competitions.

The Knights of Columbus is an international, Catholic, family, fraternal service organization.