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10 Years Ago – 2010

The Cornell Food Pantry expands its hours to include Tuesday evenings, in order to serve people who can’t make the Thursday distribution time, as the need has increased for those requesting food. According to director Bill Grinder, last year, the pantry served more than 23,000 pounds to over 1,800 patrons.

20 Years Ago – 2000

Laurie White, Cadott Elementary band teacher, receives a Golden Apple Award from TV 18 Eau Claire, for her teaching excellence. She was nominated by sixth-grade student Ricki Starck, for going above and beyond.

30 Years Ago – 1990 Kathryn Adrian, Cornell, is on her way to Milwaukee, after winning a trip to Money Game Show in a scratch card game, along with $100. The chief of police jokingly offers to provide an armed escort in the event Adrian wins the show’s grand prize of $50,000.

40 Years Ago – 1980

The Boyd Community Chest Fund donates $467 to UW-Madison for medical research within the university’s departments. The funds are broken down to be used for multiple sclerosis, heart and cancer research.

50 Years Ago – 1970

Robert Palmer is named as the Cornell Betterment Association’s (CBA) Man of the Year. Palmer, who operates a local clothing store, has received the CBA award once before.

60 Years Ago – 1960

Cadott Village Constable Archie Lange issues a stern warning to those disobeying speed laws and says the 25 mph speed limit will be strictly enforced for safety’s sake. Those going over the posted limit, will be pulled over and ordered to appear in court.

100 Years Ago – 1920

The Camp Fire Girls serve an oyster supper at the Bell Central office, which is deemed by the community as a grand success. The girls remain undecided on what to do with proceeds from the event, but are contemplating fixing up their headquarters.