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also take on more annual ….

also take on more annual debt payments once the city’s TIF district closes.

If the city does not act soon to raise its rates, Gurtner said the PSC will eventually force the city to do so just to make the sure water utility is covering all of its operating expenses and debt payments.

The new rates will go into effect later this year after the PSC reviews the city’s application for more revenue.

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_ The council authorized Mayor Schmidt to sign off on the purchase of a new nitrate analyzer from a company called ChemScan, which will be replacing an analyzer from a different vendor, ABB, which is not working correctly.

The Wisconsin DNR required the city to install a nitrate analyzer as part of a project completed last year to reroute water from two wells on the city’s south side with rising levels of nitrates. Water from those two wells will now be blended with water from other wells in the city to make sure the nitrate levels stay low.

Engineer Mike Voss said ABB normally provides “stellar” equipment, but their nitrate analyzer has never worked properly since it was installed last fall.

Voss said the city will be seeking a $43,000 refund from ABB, and plans to use that money to buy a replacement from ChemScan. He said the new unit will be at least $5,000 more but he trusts that it will work.

Gurtner said the city still has grant money available to cover the extra cost. Voss also noted the city has been withholding $900 per day in liquidated damage from the general contract, Pember, until the issue is resolved.

_ Gurtner said the city has received “a couple dozen” complaints from residents who think the new 95-gallon garbage and recycling carts from Advanced Disposal are too large. Mayor Schmidt said city offi cials hope residents will get used to the new carts over time.

“We’ll give it some time and see how it goes,” he said.

_ DPW Harland Higley said the city has received its new wastewater discharge permit from the DNR and will have 30 days to review it before it goes to a public hearing. He said the permit includes some new copper limits, but nothing that should be too hard to handle.