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– Courier-Sentinel Lookback –
10 Years Ago – 2010
Lake Holcombe softball coach Bruce Anderson is presented $3,000 from Lake Holcombe Lions Club treasurer Larry Broeren. The funds will be used to install two new scoreboards at the ball fields this spring.
20 Years Ago –2000
Cadott gears up for the second Business Expo, which gives the community a look at various commercial enterprises and services offered. The first expo was in 1998, and is planned for every other year.
30 Years Ago – 1990
Cornell mayor David Tonnancour and Wisconsin Truss owner Dan Schulner, join other community personalities to help man the VIP phone lines at the annual Star-a-Thon United Cerebral Palsy Telethon. The 19 1/2 hour event is televised on WEAU-TV 13 and raised $180,000 last year.
40 Years Ago – 1980
On behalf of her husband, Joe, Ann Roshell accepts the first, and hereafter, annual Art Bjornstad Community Service Award, given posthumously to Joe, by the Cadott Lions Community Betterment Committee. Joe was chosen as a shining example of what community service is all about, as he was very active and instrumental in molding Cadott into what it is today.
50 Years Ago – 1970
A story hour is hosted by the Cornell Senior Girl Scouts at the Cornell Public Library, Saturday afternoons for youth, much to the excitement of the girls planning the happening.
60 Years Ago – 1960
James P. Kauffman, Eau Claire, opens an office in the Cunningham Block on Cadott’s Main Street, providing income tax and bookkeeping services. Kauffman and his family have since moved to the village.
100 Years Ago – 1920
Hotel Ragan in Cadott, burns, after a partition on the second story catches fire from a defective chimney. The blaze was confined to the hotel, with $2,500 worth of damage. The structure was the only hostelry in Cadott.