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Searchers deserve thanks

Searchers deserve thanks
Search and rescue crews spent days searching the Medford Millpond and Black River before recovering the remains of Martevious Watts last Friday. BRIAN WILSON/THE STAR NEWS
Searchers deserve thanks
Search and rescue crews spent days searching the Medford Millpond and Black River before recovering the remains of Martevious Watts last Friday. BRIAN WILSON/THE STAR NEWS

The search for Martevious Watts ended Friday night.

Search crews discovered the 31-year-old’s body in the Medford Millpond and were able to recover it, ending what had been a weeklong search effort involving Medford Police and multiple search and rescue organizations.

The search for Watts had begun as a routine check by police after finding some of his personal items and fishing equipment by the Millpond. Law enforcement calls these welfare checks, and like requests for extra patrols when a streetlight is out, are routine for a small town police department that works to makes sure people are safe.

The check quickly expanded to a full-blown search with the question of if Watts had simply left on his own or if something had happened to him, whether it be the result of accident, misadventure or other act.

The search quickly became the talk of the town. In the first few hours and days, there was an abundance of comments made by people who think themselves clever poking fun at the police department and searchers. Others callously expressed annoyance at having their shortcut through the park detoured due to the ongoing search.

The tone of comments changed when the search continued into the week. People grew more aware that the outcome would be less than happy. Dogs who are trained in disaster recovery alerted their handlers that something was there.

As bodies of water go, the Medford Millpond (formally called the Medford Flowage by the Department of Natural Resources) is shallow. The 18-acre body of water has a maximum depth of just 8 feet. However, the tannins that color the water and give the Black River its name make searching difficult, with crews relying on feel with long poles and hooks.

There are few things more serious than searching for a dead body, and doing so in the center of a community and under the watch of dozens of residents didn’t make things any easier. There is always the hope for some miracle, but as hours and days moved on that hope flickerd and got blown out like a candle in a windstorm. Yet, the searchers continued, knowing the best they could offer Watts’ family would be closure and a chance to eventually find peace through the loss of a loved one.

Those involved in the search and recovery efforts should be commended for their professionalism, perseverance and dedication as they worked to find Watts and make sure he was brought home.

In an ideal world, there would be no need for specialized rescue crews, body sniffing dogs, search drones or for the long hours put in by local law enforcement. We live in a far from ideal world, and it is reassuring to know that there are those who have the training and skill to help find the missing and lost.