Law Enforcement

■ Feb. 22 - An officer met with a complainant at the police station in reference to a threat complaint. The complainant stated that they were at a motel in Abbotsford with an individual, who had gotten very drunk and was smoking marijuana. The individual began trying to start fights with other people in the room, and when the complainant tried to get the individual to leave with them, the individual threatened to shatter their car windows and kill them. The complainant then left the individual at the motel.
The officer asked the complainant why the individual had threatened them. The complainant stated that the individual gets like that when they drink and smoke. The complainant said the individual is on supervision and has an ankle monitor. The complainant told the officer that the individual lives in Medford and was brought to the motel by the complainant. The officer asked who else was at the motel. The complainant said they were visiting a friend, but would not say who that was.
The officer was informed by Taylor County that the individual was 14 years old. The officer called the complainant back and asked them where the alcohol came from. The complainant said the teen brought it. The officer asked how a 14-year-old got alcohol. The complainant told the officer that the individual’s mother buys it for them all the time. The officer asked if the complainant knew that the individual was only 14 years old. The complainant stated that they did. The officer asked why an 18-yearold is hanging out at a motel, drinking with a 14-year-old and other minors. The complainant stated that they were not drinking and did not know the 14-year-old was bringing alcohol. The officer asked if anyone in the room was over 21. The complainant stated that the person who rented the room was 22 years old.
The officer then went to the motel and asked who stayed in the room the previous night. The officer was told that the individual that reserved the room was 18, not 22 years old. The officer called the individual that reserved the room and asked what had happened there the previous night. The witness stated that they had reserved the room and were just hanging out with a couple of buddies. They said the complainant and the minor showed up with a case of beer and a bottle of whiskey. The witness said only the complainant and the minor were drinking. The two got into an argument, and the complainant left. The minor stayed at the motel room until around midnight before walking to a friend's house nearby.
On February 23, the officer went to the minor’s residence. The minor was not home, so the officer spoke with the mother. She said she was aware that her child had left with the complainant and went to a motel. She said her child told her that they had gotten into an argument and the complainant wanted to leave the teen at the motel. Her child was left at the motel with a group of others they did not know. The teen then walked to a friend's house and spent the night there.
The officer asked the mother if she supplied the alcohol for her child and the complainant. The mother denied doing so and said the complainant often asks her to purchase alcohol for them, but she never does. The mother said she did not want the complainant to come to her residence or associate with her child anymore. She stated that it was not the first time the complainant had left the child at a hotel.
The officer will be contacting the complainant’s probation agent to advise them of the complainant’s actions.
■ ■ Feb. 26 - An officer was notified of a handgun found in a rental vehicle. The officer met with the owner of the rental vehicle, who turned over the gun, which was in a black carrying case. A magazine with six rounds was located inside the case as well. The handgun was unloaded.
The owner of the vehicle stated that it was found under the front passenger seat and no one had called to claim the handgun. The officer ran the serial number through dispatch, but no name returned on it. The firearm was taken to the police department and secured in an evidence locker.
■ ■ March 3 - An officer received a theft complaint from a business in Abbotsford. An employee explained that the oil tank in the back of the building holds waste oil used to heat the building. The gauge was checked and it was found that only an eighth of a tank was left. When the tank was checked a couple weeks ago, it was about three-quarters full. The tank held about 1,000 gallons, and it was figured that between 500-600 gallons was missing. The employee stated that only one company empties the tank, and only when they are called to do so during normal business hours. There were no cameras by the oil tank at the time.