From the Middle/High School Principal’s desk

by Greenwood School District Middle/High School Principal and Career and Technical Education Coordinator Noah Werner
We have been busy the past few months at Greenwood Middle/High School. Winter sports are wrapping up their seasons, students are learning and growing as individuals in their classrooms, and our club members are actively engaged in activities that connect them with other students and staff across the state. The following are some updates and some highlights of the happenings at Greenwood Middle/High School.
Scheduling Course scheduling for all eighth through 11th grade students for the 2025-2026 school year has started. High School Students have been busy during their Academic and Career Planning time reviewing the course handbook, evaluating academic and career goals, and meeting with teachers/advisors to help select courses for the upcoming school year. Eighth-grade students are working in their Careers course with Mrs. Jaenke to create a four-year plan that aids them in mapping their high school course selections.
We encourage our students to share their academic and career goals with their family and friends; being an active part of your student’s class choices is essential to overall student success. Mrs. Nikolai and I will be meeting with each student to ensure their academic goals are met!
We are also excited to announce that we will be hosting a sixth grade transition meeting on April 24 at 6:15 p.m. in the middle/high school cafeteria for all sixth grade parents. This meeting will cover some important items that need to be completed this year, as well as help prepare our sixth grade students for a successful start to middle school next school year. We hope all sixth grade parents can attend; more information will be sent home via Skyward and Thursday folders.
Testing season Standardized testing season is coming up! This is an important time for our students to show what they know. While this can be a stressful time for students and staff, we encourage every student to do their best. The tips below can aid in relieving test stress and best prepare our students to perform well.
1. Sleep! Research shows that being well-rested helps students do better.
2. Eat! A good healthy breakfast the morning of the test helps students concentrate. Here’s a reminder that all Greenwood students have a free breakfast choice offered each morning!
3. Hydrate! The brain needs water to perform!
4. Stay in a routine. Keep routines as normal as possible; changes in a student’s daily routine can add stress to the day.
5. Be positive about the test! Tests are designed to challenge everyone, and doing your best is what matters most.
Important testing dates!
• ACT with Writing: Grade 11 - March 25
• WI Forward Exam: Grades 7,8, and 10 - March 17 thru April 25*
• PreACT Secure: Grades 9-10, March 17 thru April 25* *More speci_ic dates and times will be shared with grade levels and families as the dates come closer.
Thank you to all of our students, teachers, families, and community members who make the School District of Greenwood a great place for our students. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to contact me!