That’s a darn good burger

The Wisconsin Beef Council (WBC) announces the kick-off of the second Annual Wisconsin’s Best Burger Contest. The council is on a mission to find and celebrate the most mouthwatering 100 percent beef burgers, crafted by Wisconsin’s restaurants, bars and grills.
Everyone has a favorite spot they choose when burger hunger strikes and this is the opportunity to recognize those restaurants that work hard to create those delicious memories. Last year’s contest sparked a burger frenzy across the state, with the Elite Eight finalists enjoying a surge in burger sales and statewide fame.
Starting March 21, an individual can nominate their favorite beef burger from any Wisconsin restaurant (one nomination per person). Restaurants can also find marketing resources on the website, to help promote the contest to their patrons.
As a customer, notify the restaurant owners/managers about the contest, so they can promote it in-house.
In early April, the WBC will reveal the Elite Eight restaurants with the most nominations. A secret panel of judges will then embark on a journey to taste and evaluate these top contenders.
Burgers will be judged on taste (50 points), appearance (30 points), proper doneness (10 points), overall enjoyment (10 points), with bonus points for the eating environment, atmosphere and experience (up to 5 points).
The grand winner will be announced May 1, to kick off May Beef Month.
To be eligible for the contest, the hamburger must meet the following guidelines:
• The burger must be 100 percent beef (other ingredients may be added to the patty, such as spices, vegetables, etc.)
• All burgers must be composed of a formed ground beef patty/patties, served on a bun or other bread product (such as biscuits, focaccia or tortillas). Burgers may include any combination of condiments ketchup, mayonnaise and mustard), sauces (barbeque or hot sauce), cheeses and toppings (bacon, onions, tomatoes and lettuce). Every component of the burger must be placed between the bun or bread pieces, or served open-faced on a bread product.
• Burgers must be available on the nominated restaurant’s regular menu and the restaurant must be open year-round.
A restaurant may only win Wisconsin’s Best Burger Contest one time. The WBC retains the discretion to make all decisions regarding the interpretation of the official rules, which can be found on their website. Decisions of the WBC are final and discretionary.
Restaurants placing in the top eight and certainly the overall winner, will naturally experience an increase in business and should keep that in mind, as they seek nominations.
To nominate a best burger or for more information, visit