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Threats against media are threats to American Democracy

Billionaire-in-chief Elon Musk has posted to his social media platform that some of the most well-respected broadcast journalism professionals in the country should do “long prison sentence” over an interview done with a candidate during the presidential election.

Musk, who spent about a quarter of a billion dollars to help get President Trump elected is repeating, an as yet unfounded, claim of election interference over how the interview was edited. As reported in national news media, President Trump has also called for the news program to be “immediately terminated.”

At issue isn’t so much the journalistic standards of a well-respected news organization, but that the coverage since Trump has taken office has pointed out the human impacts of the wholesale dismantling of government agencies and has raised questions of the legality of undermining prior congressional action through presidential decree.

Back in 1896, Adolph Ochs bought The New York Times and is considered the founder of the modern era of the paper. He made a promise to deliver the news “without fear or favor.” That phrase has become the gold standard for journalistic integrity throughout the country.

When those with unimaginable wealth and seemingly unchecked access to political power and influence over the most powerful politicians in the county call for news professionals to serve long prison sentences because they are critical of political actions, that is a threat.

It is a threat not only to the news organization, but to the news media as a whole. It is a threat that any who would question, or who would deign to report on something less than positive about the administration and its advisors would be the next to be dragged to the chopping block.

It is a threat to independent news media and it is a threat to the fundamental rights of all Americans.

In civics classes, and as part of the citizenship tests, Americans are reminded of the fundamental freedoms spelled out in the First Amendment. They are also taught that it is not only a right, but an obligation of citizenship to learn about issues and to question the government on the decisions and actions it has made.

This is a key difference between being subjects and citizens.

It remains to be seen what long-term impacts, positive or negative, there may be from the frenzied pace of edicts coming from the Oval Office. It likewise remains to be seen if the judicial and legislative branches will awake from their slumber and utilize the powers of checks and balances as the co-equal branches of the United State government — powers which have been a bedrock foundation of the nation since its bloody and painful birth nearly 250 years ago.

Bullies win when cowards give in. Anyone who has spent time on an elementary school playground knows that words have power and threats have power and you can either keep your head down and allow that power to be taken from you with your silence, or you can stand up to it.

You may still get a black eye, but at least you would have gone down swinging.