Snowboarding off of a drop-off?

I am going to say it… I am done with the cold. The snow is fine. The cold…. Not so much! I haven’t really traveled anywhere and frankly I do not have the time too, between all I have going on. Other than being at work and rehearsal and the grocery store…. I am at home where I like it. Or, I totally would be on a beautiful beach, white sands, aqua water, sun warming me up. If I had the chance, and if that particular destination was already paid for (all inclusive style) that would be sublime. Knowing me, I would still do some/a good amount of work. But it would be my work, something that I feel called to do and something I enjoy. Monitoring logs, networks, securing the cloud and the world wide web from the beach, or my dream house beach front property sounds so very nice!
Who is with me? We will meet where the extraterrestrials pick us up. Next to that snow covered farm land. Right next to the cows. See you there!
In all fairness to the cold, knowledge of going through the dark (cold) will eventually bring me to the light (warmth). Maybe if I got back into snowboarding or tried skiing, I wouldn’t mind the freezing (or below freezing) so much. It does make for some gorgeous landscape photos though. Not everyone has the proper equipment to schlep all their camera gear out in the wilderness in the extreme cold without the battery pack losing all its charge though. Even when keeping them close to my person.
Back in the day of myself snowboarding off-road (as I like to call it), down steep cliffs that were carved out of a dirt pit, the cold was welcomed as internally I was roasting. Generally these pits were littered with large boulders and rocks. I am both lucky and so blessed that I never collided with one.
I would climb up to the top of a (for lack of a better term) drop-off, snap into/onto my board, survey the land, choose a path and shove myself off the ledge. The drop was fairly short, in terms of a normal route one would take at a ski resort. So, there was a LOT more walking around finding good spots in the excavating pit my grandfather had created and owned. To be honest, most of the time I would be walking around the “back 40” as we would call it. My grandparents have a large amount of acreage up in the northwoods and with living there for some time, in winters there wasn’t much to do but go outside. So my brother and I would explore the land. Bundle up and trek out. If you remember the “Ice Soccer” we created on a frozen small pond, it’s around the same place. Am I seeing a dangerous trend? I am still alive so I must have done good with averting from danger last minute.
So, as for the cold… I am accustomed and so I need to just buck up. Maybe picking up some of my old hobbies again would help pass this winter time. I wonder how much a snowboard… I mean, stuff I have to go through to get to the snowshoes. Stay warm, stay safe and make your own happiness.