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ShowCase Players take off with their 40th anniversary show

The ShowCase Players, a community theatre group in the Colby and Abbotsford area, has begun their spring production Airport Encounters by Scott Mullen to be produced on the Colby High School stage over two weekends, March 7, 8, and 9, and 14, 15, and 16. The group is celebrating their 40th year of providing quality theatre to the surrounding central Wisconsin area.

Directed by Jeffer Scheuer of Owen, one of the founding members of SCP, the play is a series of romantic, comic and sometimes poignant meetings taking place in an airport waiting area. The cast consists of Jordan Aschenbrenner, Wausau; Elizabeth and Nathan Bier, Greenwood; Steve Geisthardt, Neillsville; Elaine Haas, Colby; Greg Jackan, Marshfield; Dawn Kasper-Harder, Medford; Debra Smith, Withee; Patricia Steiner, Withee; Jenny Weber, Colby; Roxie Wetterau, Spencer; and Samantha Yocius, Abbotsford. The rest of the production crew are Paula Williams, Greenwood, Stage Manager; Brandon Aschenbrenner, Wausau, Lights; Kevin Wyeth, Curtiss, Sound, Tech, and Publicity; and Loralee Petersen, Withee, House Manager.

This is the 65th major production for the group, which has also done several children’s and dinner theatre productions in other venues. They also offer scholarships to area graduates going into the arts.

Tickets for the production are $10 and are available at the door, with a dollar off for a donation of a non-perishable food item for the local food pantry. The ShowCase Players has again partnered with the Abbotsford, Colby, Dorchester, Greenwood, Loyal, Owen, and Withee public libraries to give away two pairs of show tickets per library via random drawing. Visit any of the fine libraries listed above to sign up. While you’re there, sign up for a library card or any of their other programs.

Show times for Airport Encounters are 7:30 pm March 7th, 8th, 14th, and 15th, with 2 pm matinees March 9th and 16th. This show is produced by special arrangement with Heuer Publishing LLC.