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Vox Pop - How do you maintain civility when you exalt liars

Vox Pop

Think about this, for now anyways, there is nothing in federal law that prevents an individual becoming President because they have been convicted of a crime. Our state law vary on whether or not a individual with a criminal record can run for state and local offices. Some require a pardon or expungement to run for office, but our federal law have no such limits. So can any of you judges and lawyers please help us understand why we have no federal restrictions on employing convicted felons into positions of government? What happens next election when the public demands a convicted murderer for the oval office? Right now, that Rule of Law ideal, its about to become an unaccepted procedure in America. Why? Because how will you keep civility with a nation willing to exalt thieves and liars to this nation’s highest offices? How stupid are Americans, when its a known fact that the activity and movements of crooks are absolutely erratic and irrational to begin with. Distraction has no focus, and when we have crooks running our lives, why would I, or anyone trust its government. There’s no division in this nation, there’s just people that can’t understand what morals and empathy means to humans, they’re too busy hating, which solves nothing. This nation has always had to at times, forcibly remove crooked politicians throughout its history, nothing new or unconstitutional here, it’s unfortunate, but a necessity to promote democracy, it’s logical. So until our minds find the ability to view our civics from all sides and see the possibility from other prospectives, Democracy is all we have, and its either we unanimously agree no convicted criminal shall occupy state and federal positions, or we bow down to criminals, you understand this? Also, saying, they’re all doing it, is pure stupidity.

— M. Clendenning, Rib Lake Paid Vox Pop