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– Courier-Sentinel Lookback –

– Courier-Sentinel Lookback –

10 Years Ago – 2010

An electric grease fire closes down Kathy’s Diner for several weeks for repairs and clean-up, but no injuries are reported in the small blaze. Owner Kathy Reed says the halon fire suppressant system she installed had the fire out in a jiffy, preventing more loss.

20 Years Ago –2000

The City of Cornell renews a contract with Waste Management to pick up garbage and recycling, with 2/3 of the cost paid for by funding from the state. The color coded 33-gallon garbage bags remain at $1.75, but cart cost increases by 3 percent.

30 Years Ago – 1990

A maple syrup institute will take place at Roth’s Sugar Bush in Cadott, instructed by UW-Stevens Point extension forest specialist Chris Hauge. The newest techniques in maple sugar harvesting will be shown, including tubing.

40 Years Ago – 1980

Brunet Island State Park in Cornell, is among eight other parks who now require visitors to purchase admittance stickers for their cars.

50 Years Ago – 1970

Five trophies in silver, onyx and blue are displayed in Brown’s V-Store in Cadott, awaiting lucky boy or girl winners of a model car contest.

60 Years Ago – 1960

Throw a bunch of Norwegians and Swedes together and you get SPEALE (Society for the Prevention of the Extinction of the Art of Lutefi sk Eating), a group formed in 1952, in Cornell, by C. H. Grotte (the organization’s first grand appreciator), to preserve the tradition. This year’s annual meeting was held at the home of R. L. Lund.

100 Years Ago – 1920

It’s come to the attention of the town, that some folks hereabouts are buying things from away, instead of keeping things local. Henry Downs, who works at the mill, was quoted as saying, “I don’t care if you did get your overalls 58 cents cheaper. I believe in buying in Cornell, and their price and ask no questions.”