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Loyal Legion Auxiliary meets, Poppy Princess crowned

Loyal Legion Auxiliary meets, Poppy Princess crowned
Jackie Rowley of the Loyal American Legion Auxiliary Post 175 crowned Kindyn Fitzl as the new Poppy Princess at the Dec. 10 Auxiliary meeting. Kindyn succeeds her sister Kessa, who was Princess before her.
Loyal Legion Auxiliary meets, Poppy Princess crowned
Jackie Rowley of the Loyal American Legion Auxiliary Post 175 crowned Kindyn Fitzl as the new Poppy Princess at the Dec. 10 Auxiliary meeting. Kindyn succeeds her sister Kessa, who was Princess before her.

The Loyal Legion Auxiliary Post 175 met on Dec. 10. The meeting was called to order at 7:25 p.m. by President Jackie Rowley. Members opened with prayer, a moment of silence for deceased members, the Pledge of Allegiance and Preamble.

December birthdays are Diana Hayes and Dorothy Weyhmiller.

Rowley crowned junior member Kindyn Fitzl as the 2025 Poppy Princess.

Roll call was taken, with 15 members present. The secretary’s report was read by Julie Poehnelt and approved.

The treasurer’s report was read by Norma Wentzel and approved. Postage was $150 for the Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes.

Rowley extended her thanks to all those who worked at the fish fry and steak feed, attended the county meeting, filled Operation Christmas Child boxes or attended the Veterans Day program.

In the sunshine report, Barb sent sympathy cards to the Arlene Miller family and Don Bangart family. Thinking of you cards were sent to Jean L., Kathy P., Sharon R. and Hap Weyer. Barb will send a thank you note to Diana and Virginia from Thorp for helping the 4-H make veterans ornaments and speaking about Badger State and Auxiliary. They gave out bookmarks and flags.

Rowley read correspondence from Arlene and Barbara Holtz. She also thanked everyone who worked at the past steak feed and youth football banquet; decorated the Legion; helped with 4-H ornament making, the blood drive, craft sale or WTA meeting; and those who attended Miller’s funeral.

Under new business, it was reported that Dueling Pianos is being held by a group of city residents at Chili Corners to raise money for the three people who lost their buildings during the Loyal fire.

The Birthday Bash will be March 22. Lions bingo will start on Sunday, Jan. 19. The Auxiliary will serve foods like walking tacos, barbecue, hot beef sandwiches and nachos.

The Loyal Auxiliary will put in to host the American Legion Auxiliary “In the Know” event on Oct. 4.

The calendar of events is as follows: Jan. 10 fish fry, Jan. 20 steak feed, Jan. 20 Vita Plus.

Midwinter Conference is in Appleton Jan. 16-19. The group gave donations to the Salvation Army, Ronald McDonald House, House of Mercy, Shirley’s House of Hope, Christmas gift shop for veterans, Camp Victory, veterans’ homes in King and Chippewa Falls, and the Loyal Food Pantry. Donna Langfeldt proposed giving $100 to each organization. They decided to remove Great Lakes and add Camp Victory. Jodi Lindner made a motion, seconded by Shirley Olson, to approve donations. Motion carried.

Elena Hurrell will update the wreath for deceased members.

There was a motion by Lindner, seconded by Dawn Jacobson, to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried.

The next meeting is Jan. 14.