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Community Calendar

Community Calendar Community Calendar

Gamblers Anonymous Meetings — Call 715-297-5317 for dates, times and locations.

Sunday, Jan. 5

Alcoholics Anonymous Open 12 Step Study Meeting — 7 p.m. Community United Church of Christ, 510 E. Broadway, Medford.

Monday, Jan. 6

Take Off Pounds Sensibly (TOPS) 1013 Meeting — Weigh-in 5:15 p.m. Meeting 6 p.m. Senior Citizens Center, 725 S. Front St., Rib Lake. Information: Tiffany 715-869-2810 or Sandra 715-4273408.

Take Off Pounds Sensibly (TOPS) 1181 Meeting — Weigh-in 8:30 a.m. Meeting 9 a.m. Peace United Church of Christ Fellowship Hall, 152 S. Second St., Dorchester.

High and Low Impact Step Aerobics — Mondays and Wednesdays 6-7 p.m. Stetsonville Elementary School, W5338 CTH A. Information: Connie 715678-2656 or Laura 715-678-2517 evenings.

Constitution Defenders Meeting —

Potluck dinner 6 p.m. Meeting to follow. N4137 Oriole Dr., Medford. Everyone welcome. Information: email

Medford VFW Auxiliary Unit 5729 Meeting — 3:30 p.m. VFW Clubhouse, 240 S. Eighth St. (Hwy 13), Medford.

Tuesday, Jan. 7

Take Off Pounds Sensibly (TOPS) 1584 Meeting — Weigh-in 4:45 p.m. Meeting 5:15 p.m. Frances L. Simek Memorial Library, 400 N. Main St., Medford.

Al-Anon Meeting — 7 p.m. Community United Church of Christ, 510 E. Broadway, Medford. Information: 715427-3613.

Alcoholics Anonymous Open Topic Meeting — 7 p.m. Community United Church of Christ, 510 E. Broadway, Medford.

Overeaters Anonymous Meeting —

7 p.m. Hwy 64 and Main Street, Medford. Information: 715-512-0048.

Medford Morning Rotary Club Meeting — Breakfast 6:45 a.m. Marilyn’s Fire Station and Catering, 157 Whelen Ave. in downtown Medford. Information: 715-965-7752.

Medford VFW Meeting — 6 p.m. VFW Clubhouse, 240 S. Eighth St. (Hwy 13), Medford.

Wednesday, Jan. 8

Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting —

6:30 p.m. Senior Citizens Center, 725 S. Front St., Rib Lake. Information: Arlene 715-427-3613.

Medford Lions Club Meeting — Dinner 6:30 p.m. BS Bar & Grill, W4782 Hwy 64, Medford. Information: 715-785-7573.

Women’s Empowerment Group Meeting — 6-7 p.m. Information: Stepping Stones 715-748-3795.

American Legion Post 147 Meeting — 5 p.m. VFW Clubhouse, 240 S. Eighth St. (Hwy 13), Medford.

Thursday, Jan. 9

Medford Kiwanis Club Meeting —

Noon lunch. Frances L. Simek Memorial Library, 400 N. Main St., Medford. Information: 715-748-3237.

Alcoholics Anonymous Closed Meeting — 7 p.m. Community United Church of Christ, 510 E. Broadway, Medford.

Taylor County Genealogical Society Meeting — 6 p.m. Frances L. Simek Memorial Library, 400 N. Main St., Medford. Topic: Inspiring the young genealogist. Visitors welcome.

American Legion Auxiliary Unit 519 Meeting — 1 p.m. Legion Clubhouse, 224 N. Powell, Stetsonville.

Friday, Jan. 10

Narcotics Anonymous Open Meeting — 7 p.m. Community United Church of Christ, 510 E. Broadway, Medford. Information: 715-490-5713.