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Continued from Front - Preliminary scores

Preliminary scores Preliminary scores

Continued from Front

grams and staff,” said Lindau.

This year’s levy was set at $4,063,283, with a mill rate of $5.25, per $100,000 of assessed value.

It was also agreed to raise the school board’s salary, to be more in line with neighboring districts. Approved, was $2,400, per year, for president and clerk; $2,200 for vice president and treasurer; and $2,000 for member.

“I would say we’re probably due an adjustment,” said Lindau.

Tom Hayden (left) and Joy Webster were present as members of the public, instead of staff, Oct. 28, for the annual Lake Holcombe School meeting. Webster made a motion to raise board members’ salaries, which was supported by Hayden.

Photo by Joy Dain