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Gene Knoll shares dollars and sense in school vote support

Gene Knoll shares dollars and sense in school vote support Gene Knoll shares dollars and sense in school vote support

On Tuesday November 5th the Medford Area Public School District is asking us as residents and voters of the district to approve a borrowing resolution for facility improvements in the amount of $22,665,000. In the past I, as well as a lot of you, have not looked upon the plan that was presented to us favorably. This plan is different. This plan does not build out a lot of additional square footage. It has been laid out to address the renovations and improvements that are needed to our existing buildings. A minimal expansion of the tech ed area of the high school is included in the plan. This improvement will immensely improve our ability to enhance the skill level of the graduating student who will be entering into the workforce following high school. This addition will tie the existing tech ed building directly onto the school enhancing the usage, safety, and security of this area.

Infrastructure improvements will upgrade tech, lighting, heating, and plumbing. The dollars we spend for utilities will go further with more efficient systems. By adding very minimal new square footage our janitorial expenses will remain in check.

The really positive aspect of this plan is the current state aid equalization formula. For every $1.00 dollar spent in this plan our district receives approx. 71 cents in state aid. A real win for our tax payers. It is estimated that the affect on the property tax payers will be approx $12.00 per year more in school property tax on a $100,000 home. For a median valued home of $150,000 this is a projected annual tax expense of $18.00. We are also entering a declining interest rate environment. Dropping interest rates will drop our overall costs even further as the bond to cover these costs will not be placed until fiscal year 2025. A win for us all.

A sincere thank you to the current administration and current school board for bringing us a plan that makes good use of our dollars and makes strong fiscal sense.

Please join me on Tuesday Nov. 5th and vote yes on the Medford School Referendum question.

— Gene Knoll, Medford