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Local survey shows global warming is a concern

Dear editor, The results are in, and a casual sidewalk survey of Bayfield pedestrians over the summer indicated that 84% were alarmed or concerned by the threat of rapid climate warming from fossil fuel use.

For a few mid-day hours every Saturday, membersoftheChequamegonBayChapter of the Citizens’ Climate Lobby met a slice of the American public from their table under a tree, just off the sidewalk in front of Greunke’s in Bayfield. From there, passersby were asked by CCL volunteers to put a pushpin in one of six foamboard circles ranking their concern about climate change. Concern levels and response percentages in Bayfield were: Alarmed – 59.8; concerned – 23.9; cautious – 8.3; disengaged – 3.2; doubtful – 2.4; and dismissive – 2.3 percent.

I helped with the “tabling” survey on three Saturdays and much liked the interaction with everyone that participated. Most were visitors enjoying the Bayfield area and eager to express their opinion on the climate. Chance conversations with a few were memorable, and I wanted to learn more about their views but had to attend to a near steady stream of other curious strollers.

In all, 2,096 pins were placed over the 12 Saturdays the survey was taken. It was a quiet, democratic demonstration of the unease most people have about the future of the Earth’s climate and what humans do that is making it hotter and more disruptive. Other information at the table directed visitors to online sources about CCL and how to support political candidates that support efforts to protect the climate.

The survey was loosely based on a fall 2023 study, “Global Warming’s Six Americas” by Yale and George Mason universities. In their scientific survey of 1,033 U.S. adults, they reported 28% were alarmed and 29% were concerned about the impact human-caused climate change was having and will have. Another 15% were cautiously concerned. Those with the lowest belief in global warming were described as disengaged – 6%; doubtful – 11%; and dismissive – 11%.

Citizens’ Climate Lobby is a national, non-partisan political organization that relies on volunteers and supports putting a carbon price on fossil fuel emissions. More about CCL is found at price-on-carbon/.

Mike Fitzgibbon
