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Loyalty shown to Loyal community: miracles created by helping those in need

The French philosopher Jean de La Bruyere once said, “Out of difficulties grow miracles.” This saying could be very easily applied to the events we saw unfold in Loyal over the last handful of days.

On Thursday evening, the city of Loyal experienced its worst fire on Main Street in more than 50 years. Thankfully, no one was hurt, but there are still losses that are keenly felt — a charred hole in the streetscape where there wasn’t one before, the destruction of families’ prized possessions, the loss of businesses, and a heavy blow dealt to the local food pantry. It will be a long road to recovery for the people of Loyal and the businesses and homes affected by the fire.

But even amidst the difficulties, the ashes and debris of destroyed livelihoods and homes, there is hope. Miracles. We saw them start when the fire first broke out, when those who knew the fire was spreading made sure to get everyone in those buildings evacuated before it was too late. We saw a miracle in the firefighters who came not only from Loyal, but from the surrounding area to battle the blaze throughout the night. We saw a miracle in the EMTs who stood by the firefighters as the hours went on to make sure they had adequate water and breaks as they worked in the oppressive heat. And we saw a miracle in the community members and businesses who stayed up all night with the emergency crews, opening their doors to provide food and other items to support the work to contain the fire.

The miracles continued the following day. Phone calls were made, Facebook messages sent, and groups began to form in the community as everyone rallied together to help replace what was lost. Citizens from Loyal and surrounding towns offered places to stay for the families who lost everything in the fire. They began to collect donations for those families and for the food pantry. City workers cleaned up Main Street to reopen the street for safe traffic and a local business owner volunteered to clean off the soot and debris covering the neighboring buildings and sidewalks. Fans at the Colby versus Loyal-Greenwood football game donated thousands of dollars to support the families. All of these actions — both great and small, named and unnamed — were miracles.

As one community member so aptly put it in a Facebook comment, “As great as the loss was, the love and compassion shown are greater.” We couldn’t agree more.

The City of Loyal, its citizens, and the citizens of the surrounding areas who have all pitched in to help in the wake of such a disaster should be commended for their efforts throughout this ordeal. We’re sure that we will see more miracles in Loyal in the coming days and weeks, and we hope you all know what a beautiful thing it is to see so much kindness and support for those who were affected by the fire. Loyal is very blessed to have such people in it.

Monetary donations for the displaced families can be mailed or dropped at Citizens State Bank in Loyal, designated for the “Loyal Fire Fund.” The bank is also accepting monetary donations for the Loyal Food Pantry, which lost a substantial amount of equipment. People should follow the “City of Loyal” Facebook page or call Hair We Are at 715-503-1094 for updates on items needed.

The Tribune Record Gleaner editorial board consists of publisher Kris O’Leary, Tribune Record Gleaner editor Valorie Brecht and reporter Cheyenne Thomas.